  • 學位論文


An Individualized E-mail Filtering Tool

指導教授 : 王玲玲


電子郵件帶來便捷的溝通管道,卻也成為病毒、廣告郵件及色情郵件等非法資訊散佈的媒介,造成電腦與網路資源浪費,更是讓電子郵件使用者苦惱萬分。很多網路管理公司或郵件軟體提供使用者自訂過濾規則來幫助分類,然而使用者必須逐一訂定規則及條件,頗為費時。因此在本研究中,我們設計一個簡易的個人化郵件過濾工具,建立外掛於Outlook Express的個人化自動分類管理郵件的機制,可依照個人傳送與接收郵件的行為習慣,配合本機通訊錄,分析建構寄信者通訊錄規則,使新郵件依照規則自動分類。而郵件使用者不需做任何設定,新郵件依照寄信者在通訊錄的位置,自動轉存到不同的資料匣,達到個人化自動過濾分類郵件的效果。


Email is a convenient communication channel, but it is also a medium where virus, spam mail, and porno mail can be illegally distributed. Rampant distribution of these illegal emails has caused a waste of resources and a lot of trouble to email users. Many network management firms and email software systems have allowed users to customize email filters to sort emails, but users still need to spend a lot of time setting up conditions and rules one by one. In this study, a simple individualized email filtering tool is designed. This filter can be used as a plug-in for Outlook Express to automatically sort and manage incoming emails. Based on user's personal habit of sending and receiving emails, this mechanism can analyze personal contact book and construct rules by email senders, so that incoming emails can be automatically sorted by the rules. Without any manual setting, all the incoming emails will be stored in different folders, depending on the location of the senders in the contact book, to achieve automatic individualized email sorting.


[2]陳曉藍,垃圾郵件將有法管 可望年底通過最高2000萬賠償金,ETtoday新聞網,http://ap1. ettoday.com/more/more2.php?messageid=1714436。
[3]韋樞,七成以上網友直接刪除垃圾信,大紀元網站,http://www.epochtimes. com/b5/ 4/10/12/ n688106.htm。
[4]垃圾信日益氾濫網友應讓系統學習過濾,中廣新聞網,http://bilingual. rdec.gov.tw/KM/KM/prog/epaper/18/index.php。
