  • 學位論文


Applying CMMI to Improve the Process of Self-Developed Multimedia Teaching Material

指導教授 : 廖岳祥


好的電腦多媒體教材能改善教學方法、增進教學效果、提昇教學品質;雖然市面上有許多商業教學輔助軟體,但這類制式化的多媒體教材,並不適用於每位教學工作者及教學對象。一般而言,教學者會比較瞭解學習者的需求,更突顯出教育工作者如能自行設計出適合教學對象的多媒體教材,不論教師或學生都是最大的受益者。 因此,不論是學校或是教育主管機構皆鼓勵教師能自製多媒體教材來輔助教學,並可透過網路分享給其他教育工作者,但礙於多媒體教材的製作費時又費力,需要各項軟硬體的支援,以及學科與電腦多方面知識和技能等限制,導致有心從事多媒體教材製作的教師不知如何著手進行。因此,如果能以專案的方式,結合學校的人力、物力與行政支援,則能激發教師製作多媒體教材的意願。 本研究以PDCA戴明環循環模式,將能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)的專案規劃流程領域,導入自製多媒體教材的製作流程。經研究導入結果證實,確實可以解決學校組織在多媒體教材開發上現存的問題,並改善製作流程,進而提升多媒體教材開發的效率與品質。最後,希望能藉由本研究個案的成果,推廣到各級學校,以提供一個良好的多媒體教材開發模式,協助要從事多媒體教材開發的教師。


Good teaching materials of multimedia can improve teaching methods, obtain better teaching outcomes, and enhance teaching quality. Although, there are various teaching auxiliary commercial software packages in market, such kind of standard multimedia teaching materials seem not favorable for teachers and students. In general, teachers realize learners’ needs better than others. Apparently, it will benefit the teachers and students if the teachers can develop multimedia teaching materials themselves. Hence, the teachers are encouraged by either schools or educational authorities to develop multimedia teaching materials themselves, and therefore their teaching materials can be shared with other teachers through internet. However, developing multimedia teaching materials takes time and energy, and also requires various supports of hardware and software, as well as the knowledge of teaching subjects and computer skills. Due the aforementioned skill requirements, the teachers who want to develop the multimedia teaching materials will hesitate to do so. Therefore, if the teaching material development can be done as a project and combine the supports of human and administrative resources to encourage the teachers’ willingness in developing the multimedia teaching materials. This research applies PDCA, the Deming Cycle, to the Project Planning process area of CMMI in developing self-developed multimedia teaching materials. After the implementation of this research, it proves that it can resolve the existing problems of self-developed multimedia teaching materials, and improve the efficiency and quality of development process in multimedia teaching materials. In conclusion, the results of this research can be a good reference to assist those teachers in developing multimedia teaching materials.


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