  • 學位論文

複雜性軟體適性化介面研究-以Macromedia Dreamweaver為例

Adaptive Interface for Complex Software:A Case Study on Macromedia Dreamweaver

指導教授 : 陳榮銘


隨著科技的進步,專業軟體越來越趨向於所謂的複合、多功能的複雜性軟體(Complex Software),導致此類軟體充斥著許多不常被使用的功能,更顯現出介面使用性問題。對於使用者而言,個人化介面可以增進使用效率,而適性化介面(Adaptive Interface)乃是其中一個解決方法。本研究以複雜性軟體中的網頁設計整合軟體Macromedia Dreamweaver為對象,透過比較與分析其新舊版本適性化介面的設計,發現Macromedia Dreamweaver僅有一種功能符合適性化項目,因此本研究將進行適性化介面項目發想,依據適性化介面定義提出適合於Macromedia Dreamweaver的適性化項目,並且進行任務設計,提出適性化模擬介面給予受測者進行實驗測試,比較原介面與適性化介面。評估方法從完成時間、使用步驟數目與找尋功能數來量測適性化項目的使用效率,最後分析實驗結果。結果顯示新手使用者於此三種效標皆有顯著的差異,專家使用者僅對步驟數有顯著的差異。在訪談的部分,提出使用者對於Dreamweaver介面與模擬適性化介面的建議。希望本研究能夠作為未來Macromedia Dreamweaver以及其他複雜性軟體適性化介面上的設計建議。


Professional software has become increasingly complex as advances in technology permit substantially more functionality to be provided to the user so that there are a large number of unused features. Adaptive user interface is one of the potential ways to satisfy the individual and changing needs and increase users’ productivity. This study considers the issue of adaptive interface of complex software based on analyzing a popular website authoring software called Macromedia Dreamweaver. Adaptive interfaces designed in the new and old versions of Macromedia Dreamweaver are compared. It is found that there is only one feature conform to adaptive interface design in this software. In this research we create first the concepts of adaptive interface design into this software. Then a simulated adaptive interface with some tasks is designed to illustrate the effectiveness of the new concepts in adaptive interface. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the new interface is examined through the user experiences. The evaluation items include the “required time”, “required steps” and “number of functions searched” to accomplish the designed tasks. The results show that there is significant difference in all the three evaluation items for novices and in “required steps” for experts. Interviews are also conducted and some suggestions on the design of adaptive interface for Macromedia Dreamweaver and other complex software are proposed.


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