  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Narrative Structure and Colour Components in Almodóvar’s Movies

指導教授 : 阮綠茵


觀賞電影不但是台灣民眾在日常娛樂中的主要活動,放眼世界各地的人們也是如此,而在現今全球化運動的壟罩下,各國作品的傳播也更為迅速。在台灣,電影不僅製造了大量的產業價值,更是政府列為文化創意產業的重點發展項目,電影產業不但能做文化的宣傳,還能帶動觀光、製造就業人口。 本研究以頗負盛名的西班牙導演阿莫多瓦(Pedro Almodóvar)的三部作品《玩美女人》、《我的母親》、《瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人》為樣本,對阿莫多瓦導演的作品進行在敘事結構與色彩呈現這兩個部份的解析,運用敘事分析法就其角色與戲劇事件、敘事手法、造型、色彩等分類,配合符號學及結構主義方法加以探討作品畫面呈現的特性,以找出其電影的在劇情及畫面上的特性。 本研究對阿莫多瓦導演的三部作品,在角色個性與其服飾色彩的表現共分析了十二位女性角色,在多位角色的配色部分共擷取了四十三個影格,並對營造氣氛與劇中劇呈現手法擷取二十八個影格進行分析。 阿莫多瓦的作品靠其特性,在國際上素有叫好叫座的評價,而對於台灣觀眾而言也是觀眾較不陌生的西班牙籍導演,其作品的特性值得進行深入的探討,本研究在分析之後,研究結果發現阿莫多瓦導演的三部電影作品其特性如下。 1. 在敘事結構上,阿莫多瓦將主題關注於社會邊緣人與女性所遇到的困境,三部電影皆以女性遭逢困難的際遇為主軸,在影片的最後都度過故事中的考驗,透過所謂的女性社群展現女人們在遇到困難時,互相幫助不求回報的溫暖情感,聚集足以面對困境的力量,迎向人生的新方向。 2. 本研究發現樣本影片中的內涵意義,皆透露女性角色積極面對困境的正面意義,傳達其勵志的人生觀。在角色的塑造方面,也使劇中角色各自具有差異的個性而擁有不同的服飾表現,在選擇服飾與角色的搭配上,也運用寫實的搭配使得畫面自然真實但卻不失具有特別的色彩呈現。 3. 由於三部樣本電影之中,皆具有許多女性角色,因此在多位角色同時出現的場景配色時,透過角色服飾色彩的差異,以達成畫面的調和。 4. 在《我的母親》及《瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人》中皆運用「劇中劇」的手法,透過劇中人物所演出的橋段,對角色的內心情境進行再度的述說及詮釋,而透過色彩的輔助,在劇情中的暗示及氣氛營造上也具有相當的地位,表現色彩具有為劇情服務的實際意義。 本研究期望藉由分析其作品的特性,對台灣的影像創作者及研究同仁提出建議。


Watching movie is one of the major activities of people in Taiwan and all over the world. Movie is also an important cultural industry. It generates lots economic activities including film production and entertainment consumption. Besides, movie can propagate culture to other countries and also raise tourism industry. This research chooses three films “Volver”, “All about my mother”, and “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown” directed by a famous Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar as samples to explore the image attributes created by him. This study is aimed at conducting an in-depth research on two major aspects: narrative structure in his story and colour components in his movie. Narrative analysis method will be applied to analyze the characters of movies and their life experiences, the descriptive method, style design and colour design and to discuss the identities in the movies. The semiology and structuralism would be also used to find out the relations between Almodóvar’s styles and special properties of his movies. Twelve female roles and seventy-one frame pictures are selected to understand colour components in Almodóvar’s movie and the research findings are as follows: 1. The motif in Almodóvar’s movies is mainly about tests and suffers in women’s life. The movies have put focus on how women conquer their tests by female friendship at the end. 2. The main female roles in three films all have positive but different personality. The differences among these characters are expressed by their costume. 3. Colour harmony is achieved by female roles in colourful costume in Almodóvar’s movie. 4. In “All about my mother” and “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown”, Almodóvar shows “play within the play” to re-narrative the emotion of character and uses colour to build mood in the movie. The research found spirits in Almodóvar’s movie has earned good appraisal all over the world. Almodóvar is not a famous director in Taiwan but his work deserves further study.


