  • 學位論文


Distributed Data Integration, Implementation, and EIS for 3C Industry

指導教授 : 曹世昌


近年3C 產業前景看好,3C 產品購買及使用需求漸趨多元,3C 賣場也順勢蓬勃發展,業者在國內各地設立數量龐大的連鎖商店,因3C產品生命週期短暫、價格波動亦十分快速,而全球經濟正式宣告進入「微利時代」,如果成本沒辦法隨著下降,就會有危機,而且甚至退出市場。如何使銷售資訊即時彙總至整合資料庫、銷售策略能迅速反應到連鎖商店就更顯重要。過去在面對異地資料庫的整合問題上,多半採用專線連接,在建置一套資料同步化系統,如此容易發生網路斷線、資料重複或遺失及增加成本的問題。 鑑於資料倉儲相關研究多偏重理念與架構性探討,缺乏建置實務的經驗,本研究以國內某3C業者為研究對象,參考其分店資料庫分散各地的架構,提出以建立小型資料超市的方式,希望能以低成本、可靠的資料整合,使銷售資料快速反應,協助業者早一步洞悉市場情勢,即早擬定策略,在競爭市場取得先機。


3C industry rises in recent years, companies of 3C industry set up lots of chain stores in Taiwan. Because the life cycle of 3C products is transient, companies are eager for that sales information can rapidly pass to their chain stores, and sales amount can save to data warehouse immediately. Usually the companies would build a system to collect data from chain-stores, but network break, data redundancy or data lost often occurs. We build a small data mart system based on Oracle Snapshot mechanism and a web-based EIS system using Java technology. Our research focuses on assisting managers to understand the external marketing information and supervises the company to carry out the selling strategy.


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