  • 學位論文


A Study on the Application of Fuzzy Synthesis Assessment in the Development of Teacher Evaluation System on the Internet

指導教授 : 劉湘川


教師評鑑是建構教師專業成長及健全教學服務績效的重要因素。教師是專業工作,從事一項專業的人員,自應接受合理的評鑑,而評鑑活動訊息的獲得,一為較明確客觀的數據,如傳統紙筆測驗或客觀標準依據;另一為較不明確且含有主觀成份的判斷,例如評量者的感受或觀察所評定的結果。 惟傳統的教師甄選或評鑑模式較偏重可以量化的指標衡量,而未重視無法具體衡量的質化指標,是以影響整體教師甄選或評鑑之客觀與公平,故常遭至黑箱作業之批評;且傳統使用的加權評分法,雖然簡單易行,容易明瞭,但由於多評分者之間具有評分之不一致性,而口試、試教等評價因素,因本身具有質化特性及主觀感受等模糊性,往往不適合或無法以明確的數值表達其評估值,故常因不能反映真實情況,而存在著不合理性。因此本研究導入模糊理論的觀念,藉由模糊綜合評判,探討不同於加權平均計算的教師評鑑方式,發展出一套模糊教師評鑑系統,期能使教師評鑑結果更具合理性及周延性。 本文嘗試利用模糊德菲法取得評估專家群體決策,做為各項評鑑因素的權重,並以模糊綜合評判法整合評估的結果,最後以模糊分布、模糊百分評價方式呈現評鑑結果,建立一套教師教學績效的評估模式。本研究並將所發展之教師評估模式結合Web網路技術,發展一套網路線上教師評鑑系統,讓評估者可進行線上評估,藉由電腦快速且正確的計分,受評者可以立即且個別查詢評鑑結果,所以本系統具有個別性、全面性、遠距性之特性。 本研究並為所提出之評估模式進行實證應用,並探討其利弊,以供教育有關單位實際決策參考之用。


Teacher evaluation is crucial to assess the professionalism of teachers and the teaching efficacy. Teaching is a profession and whoever works in the field must go through a reasonable evaluation. Evaluation results can be obtained through either objective data, such as those gained from traditional written tests or based on objective criteria, or the obscure and subjective judgment from evaluators’ feelings or observations. However, traditional teacher’s qualification tests or evaluation modes were focused on quantitative indexes, and the whole process didn’t pay much attention to the less concrete qualitative indexes, so that the fairness and objectiveness of the whole process was at issue. People often referred to it as an under-the-table operation. The traditional Weighted Scoring Method, though simple and easy to understand, had too many evaluators, which results in score inconsistency. Besides, oral tests or trial teaching tended to be the obscurity of qualitative and subjective was not suitable for or could not be used in establishing definite evaluation values and therefore could not reflect the real situation and seemed unreasonable. Therefore, this study introduced the fuzzy theory and used the fuzzy synthesis assessment to explore the teacher evaluation method that was different from the weighted average method and developed a fuzzy teacher evaluation system with the hope to make the evaluation more reasonable and thorough. This study tried to use the fuzzy Delphi technique to obtain the expert group decision and used it to weigh each evaluation factor. It also applied the fuzzy synthesis assessment to integrate the evaluation results and present the results in fuzzy distribution and fuzzy percentage assessment in order to establish a mode in evaluating the teaching efficacy. Furthermore, this study combined the developed teacher evaluation mode with Web technology and constructed an Internet teacher evaluation system so that the evaluators can evaluate on line. By using the fastness and correctness of computer scoring, the evaluated teachers could have immediate access to the evaluation results. This system features individuality, comprehensiveness, and no distance limitation. This study also conducted empirical application of the proposed evaluation mode and explored its advantages and disadvantages for education decision-makers’ future reference.




