  • 學位論文


An Integrated Steganographic Scheme Based on Vector Quantization

指導教授 : 林志敏 王玲玲


植基於向量量化編碼法(Vector Quantization, VQ)能有效控制機密資料嵌入的演算法、虛擬隨機亂數(Pseudo Random Number)處理過的資料能強韌地抵抗剪裁攻擊、RSA 加密能安全地傳遞收送雙方金鑰以及展頻(Spread Spectrum)技術能簡單有效地還原機密資料,本論文提出上述技術的整合成為一種新穎的向量量化整合性偽裝技術。此技術可被運用來在影像文件中藏入機密影像,如此將可有許多優點及有意義的應用,例如,可作為數位化的電子文件註記(trademark)來保護公司的權利或是智慧財產權的聲明,也可以有效且安全地克服數位影像在網路上傳輸時遭受高電磁、雷擊等雜訊的干擾的問題,更可用於偵測原始影像是否遭非法竄改並有效地加以還原。實驗結果證實,本論文所提出的方法確實能夠有效地在偽裝影像遭受75% 破壞時仍然能成功地偵測出影像被竄改的區域,並且能夠還原始影像的原貌PSNR值可以達到30 dB以上的水準表現。


A novel and integrated steganographic scheme based on vector quantization is proposed in this thesis. This scheme successfully combines four commonly used data compression and information security techniques, like vector quantization, pseudo random number, RSA, and spread spectrum technologies. The proposed integrated technology would be useful in hiding secret images. There will thus have several advantages associated with the proposed scheme. For example, it could be used as a trade marking technique to help the copyright and the intellectual property right protection of the digital images. It could also safely cope with the problem of signal jamming with noise for digital images on Internet. It could not only be used for detecting and checking whether the original image has been illegally tampered with, but also could efficiently recover from corruption. The experiments show satisfactory results and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. It could successfully detect the alternation of an image and recover the original data pixels with PSNR value above 30dB in the condition of 75% destroy of the attacked steganographic image.


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