  • 學位論文


A study of tobacco utilization and the effect of health educational intervention among elementary school students of aboriginal area in Nantou County

指導教授 : 何清松


本研究的目的在瞭解原民鄉學童吸菸率、菸品之來源,家人及朋友吸菸情形、菸害認知及其影響因素與菸害介入模式之成效。研究樣本取自南投縣仁愛及信義鄉32所小學五、六年級之全部學童共796人。結果發現學童吸菸盛行率為34.70%(男生36.3%、女生33.1%)高於一般學童吸菸比例甚多,且家庭中有40.8%父親有吸菸, 23.7%父母親都吸菸,其中菸品的來源以同學或朋友給的佔最多佔36.4%。 有關菸害防制介入措施,教材係取材自國民健康局開發之教材,共分5小時,接受介入課程的學童為五、六年級學生,共228位,區分為健康促進學校、非健康促進學校及對照組學校。前後測在教學介入前後間距一個月的時間,以集體方式施測,評估其介入成效。 結果顯示顯示父母、同儕吸菸行為與學童本身之菸害認知皆為影響其吸菸之重要因素,且實驗組學童經由菸害教育課程介入後可有效提升菸害認知,進而減少其吸菸行為,說明衛生署國民健康局所設計之教案對於學童菸害防制教育有其成效。建議衛生教育主管機關針對原民鄉學童以活動的課程設計,即早進行學童菸害防制介入措施,以避免同學嚐試吸菸或養成吸菸行為。


The purposes of this study were to explore prevalence of smoking, source of cigarettes smoking behavior of their families and friends, and effects of a tobacco educational intervention on the knowledge of tobacco hazards, attitudes toward smoking, and self-efficacy among elementary school students in aboriginal area. The subjects were 796 fifth- to sixth-grade students from 32 schools in aboriginal area in Nantou as the population of this study. The data was collected via a self-administrated questionnaire and was completed over the period from June to July, 2007. According to the result, the smoking rate among the students was 34.7%, which was higher than regular students in the same age. There were 40.8% and 23.7% of them whose father and both parents smoked, and the major sources of cigarettes were from classmates or friends approximately 36.4%. Additionally, the tools of tobacco control educational intervention were developed by Bureau of Health Promotion. Total number of valid subject of the intervention was 228 and distributed the students into experimental groups (health promoting and non-health promoting school) and control group. In order to compare the effectiveness of the intervention, pro-test was administrated in one month after the program. In conclusion, smoking behavior of parents and peers and knowledge of tobacco hazards were the important factors which influence smoking behavior among the aboriginal students in this study; however, the intervention could significantly increase the knowledge and attitudes toward smoking among the experimental groups compared with the control groups in terms of immediate effect which result in reduction of smoking. Therefore, the interventional program obviously increased the effectiveness of health education. Last but not least, it was suggested that government should design curriculum to assist fifth- to sixth-grade aboriginal students to resist smoking pressures and avoid smoking behavior immdiately.


