  • 學位論文

跑走訓練對國小學童健康體適能之影響- 以台南縣公誠國小為例

Influence of Run-Walk Training on Health-related Physical Fitness of Elementary School Students: The Case of the Gong Cheng Elementary School in Tainan County

指導教授 : 陳朝鍵


本研究旨在探討國小學童跑走訓練與健康體適能之現況,比較學童跑走訓練後健康體適能的差異與相關,進而根據研究發現,引導學童適度的運動,增進健康體適能。本研究以台南縣公誠國民小學學童為抽樣母群,採分層隨機抽樣法取樣,以「三日身體活動回憶紀錄表」及「健康體適能檢測」為測量工具。所獲得之資料以、共變數分析的統計方法進行分析。本研究之重要結論如下: 一、在心肺適能方面,實驗組學童教控制組學童進行較多時間的跑走運動訓練,因而增強心肺適能的表現。 二、在肌力和肌耐力表現上,實驗組在立定跳遠與800公尺跑走上較控制組有進步的趨勢,顯示跑走運動能夠提升國小學童的肌力和肌耐力表現 三、在柔軟度表現上,道跑走運動的介入,效果可能因為樣本數差異以及實驗對象的不同,因而產生不同的研究結果。 四、在在BMI值上,進行跑走運動介入後,實驗組與控制組後測BMI值沒有顯著差異。 根據本研究結論,身體活動量與健康體適能有顯著相關,因此適度增加學童身體活動參與,必能有效增加身體活動量與健康體適能。 關鍵詞:國小學童、身體活動量、健康體適能


This study aims to examine the current situation of run-walk training of elementary school students on their health-related physical fitness and to compare the difference and correlation in health-related physical fitness after run-walk training. In addition, the study finds that guiding students to conduct a proper amount of exercise will improve their health-related physical fitness. This study selected students from the Gong cheng Elementary School as the parent group, who were sampled using tiered and random methods, and measured by “Three-Day Physical Activity Memory Record” and “Health-Related Physical Fitness Inspection.” The data obtained were analyzed by the statistical method of covariance analysis. The following important conclusions are drawn from this study: 1. In the aspect of cardio respiratory fitness, students in the experimental group spent more time in run-walk training than those in the control group, hence their cardio respiratory fitness improved. 2. In the aspect of muscular strength and endurance, the experimental group showed a trend of improvement in the standing long jump and 800 m run-walk in contrast with the control group. This indicates that the run-walk exercise can improve elementary school students’ muscular strength and endurance. 3. In the aspect of flexibility, the run-walk exercises led to different study results because the effect was different owing to the differences in the number of samples and experimental objectives. This study draws the conclusion that physical activity is significantly related to health-related physical fitness. Hence, properly increasing students’ involvement in physical activities will definitely and effectively increase their participation in physical activity and health-related physical fitness. Keywords: elementary school students, physical activity, health-related physical fitness




