  • 學位論文


The Pretentious Value, Degree of Intervention and Flow Experience of Moderate/High Price Bonsai as Factors of Purchase Incentives

指導教授 : 林育則


在M型社會趨勢下,M型社會右端的富有者逐漸注重藝術品所帶來精神層面上的提昇,其中也包含活的藝術品-盆栽。本研究主要探討中高價盆栽消費者從事購買活動時,在炫耀價值、涉入程度與心流體驗等因素下所產生的購買動機程度,進而分析出影響消費者購買動機之最主要因素,提供中高價盆栽業者在經營管理及經營策略上之參考。研究對象以中高價盆栽消費者作為調查取樣的樣本,有效樣本150份,採問卷調查法,以「中高價盆栽市場之炫耀價值、涉入程度與心流體驗對購買動機之影響量表」為研究工具,分為炫耀價值、涉入程度與心流體驗等三個構面,進行資料蒐集整理分析,並利用 SPSS Window 12.0 中文版本及描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析法、相關分析及迴歸分析進行統計分析,主要獲得以下研究結果,研究結果顯示: ㄧ、在炫耀價值主要特徵中,以獨特性為影響消費者購買中高價盆栽的最主要因 素。 二、在涉入程度方面,以消費者本身的知覺重要性(興趣)為影響其購買中高價 盆栽的最主要因素。 三、在心流體驗中,以消費者自發性樂趣為影響其購買中高價盆栽的最主要因素。 四、中高價盆栽消費者之購買動機在炫耀價值、涉入程度與心流體驗等變數間均 呈現正相關。 五、在盆栽大小規格方面,喜歡購買大型盆栽之消費者最多。 六、在盆栽型態方面,曲幹型盆栽(模樣木)是本調查中消費者最喜歡購買的中 高價盆栽型態。 七、在盆栽種類方面,喜歡常綠類盆栽的消費者人數最多。 八、在購買後管理方式方面,希望購買中高價盆栽後,栽業者提供盆栽售後保管 的服務的人數最多。


盆栽 炫耀價值 購買動機


Under the trend of M-shape society, the right wing of M-shape wealthy individuals starts to focus on the quality of arts and its value in improving their inner spirit. This includes the value of bonsai. The purpose of this research is to explore the incentives of purchasers of moderate/high price bonsais. When they are undergoing the purchasing behavior, the factors such as the pretentious value, the degree of involvement, and the flow experience play a critical role in boosting their purchase incentives. Further, the researcher analyzed the data to conclude the key factors in boosting purchasers’ incentives. Finally, the conclusion will serve references for the industry in their administration and marketing strategies. There were 150 valid samples. The data were collected by questionnaire and survey. The research data were collected through the inventory. The content of inventory mainly focused on the “pretentious value, the degree of involvement, and the flow experience”. The inventory, therefore, is divided into three phases. The data were analyzed by SPSS Window 12.0 Chinese version. The research method used including descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, other relating research methods and regression analysis. The conclusions were drawn and results are stated as follows: 1.In pretentious value phase, the uniqueness is the key factor in determining whether to undergo the purchases or not. 2.In the degree of involvement phase, the purchasers’ awareness of importance, such as individual preferences is the key factor in determining their purchase behavior. 3.In the flow experience phase, consumer’s initiative is the key factor in determining whether the purchasing behavior will be undergone or not. 4.There is a positive correlation among pretentious value of the product, the degree of involvement and the flow experience. 5.In purchasing the size of the bonsais, the large-sized bonsais are the most popular bonsais among the bonsai buyers. 6.In the curve-shape trunk are the most popular moderate/high price bonsais. 7.In the classification of the bonsai, the green-type bonsais are liked by the most number of consumers. 8.In after purchasing management, the most number of purchasers indicates that after-sales service is the most popular service for the buyers.


bonsai pretentious value purchase incentive


psychology of engagement with everyday life by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) 。
experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) 。台北:天下文化出版社。


