  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effect of Peer Mutual Evaluation and Proposal Model on the Writing Ability and Performance by Senior High School Students in Internet Cooperative Learning

指導教授 : 袁賢銘


本研究的主要目的在探討「同儕互評」以及研究者所發展之「同儕互評建議模式」對高中生的寫作能力影響,並根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來實施同儕互評建議於網路寫作教學上之參考。研究者所提出之「同儕互評建議模式」主要整合寫作歷程理論、大考中心引導作文評分原則、同儕互評之相關研究為核心所建構而成,並依此建置網路寫作學習系統,可使學生先熟悉評分原則,期盼同學以後在面對學測、統測或指考寫作測驗上提供最有利的協助。   本研究以南投縣南投高中一年級兩個班級為研究對象,分成實驗組和控制組,另外根據大考中心所公布的引導寫作之評分標準結合國中基測的電腦評分點選方式,結合設計一套評閱給分模式,讓同學在評分建議過程中去熟悉將來寫作上該如何去拿捏得宜,藉以獲取較佳的成績表現;實驗結果:實驗後實驗組與控制組的比較,在寫作成效上的確達到顯著差異的程度,這表示同學有用心接受評閱訓練且都有在進步,此外就是同學角色的轉換,由原來的學生又兼具評閱同儕的教師角色,讓同學領受「教學相長」的真正含意,進而達到寫作能力的提昇,不僅使這個學習活動符合同學的需求,也增加了學習上的趣味性。 關鍵詞:寫作能力、同儕互評、合作學習


This study aims to explore the effect of “peer mutual evaluation” and “Peer Mutual Evaluation and Proposal Model”, developed by the researcher, on the writing ability by senior high school students. Based on the results of research, the study will also give concrete recommendations for reference in the future implementation of peer mutual evaluation and proposal on the teaching of Internet writing. “Peer Mutual Evaluation and Proposal Model” introduced by the researcher was constructed with the integration of writing process theory, guiding composition evaluation principles set by College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) and the related researches on peer mutual evaluation as the core. Following the model, the researcher established Internet writing learning system that can help students to understand evaluation principles before the examination. It is hoped that the system could provide the students with the best assistance when they face the writing test in Academic Attainment Test, Joint Examination or Assigned-Subject Test. The subjects in the research were the students of two tenth grade classes in Nantou County who were divided into experimental group and control group. Besides, based on the score criteria of CEEC guiding writing and combined with the computer scoring and clicking pattern developed by the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students, The evaluation and scoring model we designed will help students to familiarize with how to write properly in the scoring recommendations to obtain better scores and performance. The experimental results found that after experiment, according to the comparisons between experiment group and control group, there was significant difference in the effects on writing. That meant those who attentively and diligently received read-and-evaluation training were progressing. Besides, the exchange of roles by students in which the students played a role of teacher and evaluated peers will help the students to understand the real meaning of “teaching benefits teachers as well as students” and further to enhance the writing ability. It not only helped this learning activity meet the demands from the students but also increased the interest in learning. Keywords: writing ability, peer mutual evaluation, cooperative learning


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