  • 學位論文


How Retail Store Private Brands Affects Customers' Purchase Behavior - Study on Hypermarket in Taichung

指導教授 : 陳永信


隨著國內大型量販店陸續創立自有品牌商品,使消費者對自有品牌的認識也越來越多,自有品牌的產生已逐漸影響社會大眾的消費型態。消費者大多都了解或購買與量販店名稱相同或品牌標誌相同之自有品牌產品(此研究稱為廠商顯性自有品牌),但有不同量販店之自有品牌產品與自身量販店名稱或品牌標誌不同(此研究稱為賣場隱性自有品牌)。 由於國內外較少比較量販店自有品牌型態於顧客滿意度對再購意圖關係之干擾效應的相關文獻,期望透過本研究能對消費者購物行為有進一步了解,以提供量販店於未來發展規劃上之參考價值。 研究結果顯示出顧客的產品品質、服務品質與信任程度在產生再購意圖的過程中,需要有滿意來當橋樑,進而對此量販店出現再購買的行為。研究結果指出,賣場隱性品牌(好市多)干擾效果較強烈。即表示,常去好市多量販店消費的顧客對於好市多自有品牌商品都認為有較高的產品品質、服務品質與信任,滿意度和再購意圖也比廠商顯性品牌(家樂褔)高,顯示產品品質、服務品質、信任對顧客而言是衡量販店的標準,進而才會有滿意的情緒出現,最後形成再購意圖。


With the hypermarkets gradually created its own brand products, so consumers own the brand recognition have more knowledge, Production of own brand has been gradually affecting the public's consumption patterns. Most consumers know to buy and store the same amount of trafficking the same brand name or logo of its own brand products, However, some hypermarkets stores own brand name products of hypermarkets and brand identity of different. Comparison of hypermarkets stores less own brand of style on the relationship between customer satisfaction on repurchase intent of the interference effects of related literature, expect that this research can have better understanding of consumer shopping behavior in order to provide hypermarkets in the future planning of the reference value. The results show that customer product quality, service quality and level of trust and repurchase intention in the production process, the need to have satisfactory to when the bridge, then this hypermarkets store to purchase the behavior occurs. The results pointed out that often go to costco hypermarkets store consumer customers for its own brand products have a high product quality, service quality and trust, satisfaction and repurchase intentions than carrefour brand of high, That product quality, service quality, customer trust is a measure of hypermarkets in terms of standards, then there will be a satisfying feeling, and finally formation of repurchase intent.


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