  • 學位論文


The Study of Whitewater Kayaking Sport Motivation and Development in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李明榮


臺灣的好山好水,風景秀麗是國際知名的,臺灣四面環海、水資源豐富,具有發展水域休閒運動的潛力。台灣的激流獨木舟運動自1976年東海大學何澄島教授由美國引進,推行至今已有三十四個年頭。初期因水域活動管理辦法的限制,使得國人對於激流獨木舟運動較為陌生,直到近期因政府重新體認水域活動的價值,且國人對水域休閒活動的多樣化需求而再度興起。本研究目的,在於探討台灣激流獨木舟運動參與動機與發展之現況與內涵。首先探討台灣激流獨木舟運動之源起、參與動機,其次探討台灣激流獨木舟運動之發展與內涵,最後提出結論。 本研究主要採取文獻探討、歷史研究法、田野調查法及深入訪談,針對激流獨木舟運動的相關資料,加以蒐集、整理、分析、歸納,將所得之研究結果進行總括性之詮釋,得到以下結論: 一、激流獨木舟運動控制定位及活動過程中是由自己掌控的,皆傾向於自我控制定位;參與激流獨木舟運動可以享受大自然帶來感官愉悅的感覺,它需要與團隊密切合作,參與激流獨木舟運動能訓練出自己的技能、膽識,並能與伙伴培養出堅定的團隊情感。 二、臺灣激流獨木舟運動是於1976年東海大學何澄島教授從美國歸來後推動,才開始有組織的發展。民國77年開始有許多獨木舟協會組織成立,為臺灣激流獨木舟運動奠下良好的基礎。 三、台灣激流獨木舟運動的推動主要是由民間團體來主導,在水域活動管理辦法現階段需要再切時宜的修改,全民才能擁有更為自由與安全的活動空間。 四、臺灣溪流環境資源已受到破壞,廢棄的攔沙壩、過度的開發等使得溪流品質不復以往,也影響到激流獨木舟運動的安全及划船者的感受。 五、深入訪談中提及激流獨木舟運動所需注意之處和本研究中之文獻探討均顯示,活動「安全」為第一考量因素,臺灣激流獨木舟運動處於剛萌芽的階段,有良好的天然環境配合,是值得發展的運動產業。 根據分析結果,本研究不僅對臺灣激流獨木舟運動提出建議,亦對未來研究者提出後續研究之建議。


Taiwan is famous for its beautiful scenery. In addition, it is an island and is rich of water resource. Therefore, it has large potential for developing recreation water sports. Whitewater Kayaking Sport in Taiwan has carried out for about 34 years since it was introduced by Professor He of Tunghai University in 1976. At beginning, due to the limitation of regulations, this sport didn’t catch people’s attention. It wasn’t thriving until our government realized the importance of maritime sports. The purpose of this study was to probe for the motivation and development of whitewater kayaking sport in Taiwan and further to make conclusions. In order to analyze the data collected, the case study adopted Literature Analysis, Historical Research Method, Fieldwork Research and interview. The results were as follows: 1. White water kayaking sports were player-controlled. Taking part in white water kayaking sports could help us enjoy the joy from the nature. This sport needed players to work together. In addition, it could help players train their skills and guts and develop team spirit. 2. White water kayaking sports didn’t start to develop until Professor Ho of Tonghai University came back from America. Many associations of white water kayaking sports have been established since 1988, which was also the foundation of white water kayaking sports in Taiwan. 3. White water kayaking sports in Taiwan were mainly advocated by non-official organizations. The regulations of management in water sports needed revising in order to get more people involved. 4. Discarded dams and excessive development made the qualities of rivers worse. They also influenced the safety of white water kayaking sports and the feelings of white water kayaking players. 5. Safety is the most important as it was mentioned in the interview and the literature review. According to the conclusions of this study, suggestions were offered as references to whitewater kayaking sport in Taiwan and to further studies.


洪翊芳、廖主民(2005)。參與冒險性休閒的心理歷程。中華體育, 19(3),16-25。
