  • 學位論文


Building Bed-and-Breakfast Based Destination Brand: Concepts and Building Bed-and-Breakfast Based Destination Brand: Concepts and Structural Model Testing

指導教授 : 曾喜鵬


台灣民宿產業快速發展,致使民宿市場競爭激烈,但民宿經營者 始終缺乏一個有效的行銷策略,來提昇其經營績效以及在市場的競爭 力。本研究因此提出一個以「旅遊地」為核心的民宿行銷模式,並導 入品牌概念,建構一個包含民宿旅遊地知名度、民宿相關聯想、旅遊 地相關聯想、旅遊意圖及住宿意圖五個變數在內的基礎模型,並運用 結構方程模型驗證模型的正確性。主要研究發現如下:1.民宿在旅遊 地中扮演了旅遊吸引力的效果。2.遊客居住民宿之意圖除了會受到民 宿產品相關的聯想影響外,亦會受到旅遊地相關的聯想,再透過旅遊 意圖的中介而產生間接影響效果。3.對於高知名度的民宿旅遊地而 言,民宿產品相關之品牌聯想對遊客之住宿意圖無顯著影響效果,僅 會透過旅遊地相關品牌聯想,在經由旅遊意圖的中介效果產生間接影 響;4.對於知名度的民宿旅遊地而言,遊客居住民宿的意圖則會同時 受到民宿相關聯想,以及旅遊地相關聯想所影響。綜合而言,本研究 所建構之以旅遊地為核心的民宿行銷模式獲得驗證,亦有不錯之結 果,可做為未來民宿品牌化經營之參考。


The B&B industry are growing very fast in the last decade in Taiwan, and results in a competitive market. However, the B&B operators are still not able to provide effective strategies for marketing B&B products. This study proposed a new B&B marketing model based on “destination” concepts, which, by applying the branding concepts, consisted of five variables: brand awareness, B&B related brand associations, destination related brand associations, travel intension, and accommodation intension. The validity of the model was tested by the structural equation modeling. The main findings are as follows: 1. the B&B products play the role of tourist attraction in rural tourism destination in Taiwan; 2. the intention of customers staying at B&B is not only influenced by B&B related associations, but also by destination related associations through the mediation effect of traveling intention; 3. for the high perceived awareness B&B destinations, the potential tourist’s accommodation intension was affected by only the mediating effects of destination related associations. 4. For the low perceived awareness B&B destinations, the potential tourist’s accommodation intension was affected by both the direct influence of B&B related associations and the mediating effect of destination related associations. In sum, the proposed model in this study indicated a reasonable result, implying the B&B marketers can use the results as strategies for B&B branding.


