  • 學位論文


Fruit Intake and Associated Factors Among the Elderly in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉俊昌


根據經濟建設委員會推估,2010年我國65歲以上老年人口將達10.8%。老年人的飲食會影響其健康。蔬果攝取不足更是常見的現象,尤其是水果攝取。本研究分析一批老年人健康調查資料,以瞭解老年人水果攝取及其相關因素。資料來自衛生署委託中央研究院所執行之1999-2000年「台灣地區老人營養健康狀況調查」。調查對象為在台灣地區具有國籍,於收案時間(1999年1月1日起)年齡為65歲(含)以上之居民。研究者將問卷中有關水果攝取的題項,經統計及整併分為足夠與不夠兩類,作為本分析的主要依變項。將影響水果攝取有關問題與項目,依Green與Kreuter的PRECEDE模式,分為前置因素(包括:年齡、性別等)、促使因素(包括:收入、誰採買食物等)和增強因素(包括:注意飲食營養訊息、和誰用三餐等)因素等三群,以進行分析與解釋。資料主要以統計軟體SPSS 12.0中的Frequencies,Crosstabs,以及Binary logistic regression等分析過程及其相關的副指令來處理。結果的表達主要以N,%,odds ratios等來呈現。變項內組間的差異或變相間關聯考驗的顯著水準之判斷,定為P<.05。本研究主要的發現如下:有78.1%的老年人水果攝取不足(男性76.1%,女性80.2%)。影響老年人水果攝取的主要前置因素為教育程度;主要促使因素為全家每月收入、家裡附近有無菜市場;主要增強因素為注意飲食營養訊息、和誰用晚餐。教育程度低者,水果攝取不足的可能性高於教育程度高者;收入低者,水果攝取不足的可能性高於收入高者;家裡附近無菜市場者,水果攝取不足的可能性高於有菜市場者;很少注意飲食營養訊息者,水果攝取不足的可能性高於經常注意者;平常有與配偶用晚餐者,水果攝取不足的可能性高於獨自用餐者。因此建議政府與民間團體可以搭配結合,針對老年人落實水果推廣教育以使老人了解水果對健康的好處,鼓勵攝取。再者政府亦可以結合果農、水果攤或蔬果經銷商以免費、減費或合理之價格,提供老人食用,甚或定期運送水果至老年人家中方便其食用以達到推廣的效果。


老人 水果攝取


According to the Committee for Economic Planning and Development, it is estimated that the elderly aged 65 years and over will reach to 10.8% of the entire population of Taiwan in 2010. Inadequate in fruit and vegetable intake has been a common phenomenon for the elderly population, especially in fruit intake. To reveal the prevalence of fruit intake and its related factors, this study analyzed a national representative data from an elderly health and nutrition survey conducted by Academia Sinica Taiwan, the 1999-2000 "Taiwan Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey". The target population for the questionnaire survey were the elderly residents aged 65 and over with nationality in Taiwan (January 1, 1999 onwards). One question in the questionnaire that asked the elderly respondents their fruit intake frequencies were used as the dependent variable for this research. A number of questions considering to be related to fruit consumption were served as the independents for the analysis. The independents were classified into 3 categories based on the PRECEDE framework that introduced by Green and Kreuter. Namely, they were predisposing factors (age, sex, etc.), enabling factors (income, who prepare meals, etc.) and reinforcing factors (nutrition information, having 3 meals a day, etc.). The dependent variable was recoded dichotomously into "adequate" and "inadequate" after a series of combination and computation. The SPSS version no.12 were used for this analysis. The statistical commands Frequencies, Crosstabs, and Binary Logistic Regression and their related subcommands were performed for this analysis. The results were expressed mainly by number of samples (N), percentage (%), and odds ratios. The significance of statistical tests were set at P <.05. The main findings of this study were as follows: 78.1% of the elderly fruit intaked inadequately (men was 76.1%, female was 80.2%). Among the predisposing factors, education was the only significant predictor of the dependent. Among the enabling factors, income and home near a fruit and vegetable market were significant predictors of the dependent. Among the reinforcing factors, nutrition information and having dinner with someone were significant predictors of the dependent. Elderly with lower level of education was more likely to be fruit intake inadequate; low-income elderly was more likely to be fruit intake inadequate; an elderly resided near a fruit and vegetable market was more likely to be fruit intake inadequate; Elderly with little attention to nutrition information was more likely to be fruit intake inadequate; those who usually had dinner with their spouses were more likely to be fruit intake inadequate. It is recommendable that government and non-government organizations can work together to develop and implement more effective education programs to improve the knowledge and skills of the elderly for fruit intake. Through practical subsidy policies of the governments, the elderly with insufficient fruit intake may be able to get free or reduced price fruit services from the fruit famers and dealers. Direct delivery fruit to the needy elderly may be also recommend for the local governments and community organizations as well.


elderly fruit intake


黃莉娟、董大成(1992)。水果之攝取對免疫機能之影響第壹報:蘋果之攝取對人體免疫機能之影響。台灣營養學會雜誌,17(1 & 2),17-26。
