  • 學位論文


Generation Effect Via Parent’s Social Eonomic Status on Children’s Health and Health Behavior

指導教授 : 邱政元 張明正


近年來,台灣醫療科技進步、營養充足、醫學發達、公共環境衛生的改善等等,使得人民平均壽命延長。大多數的文獻多以探討個人影響健康與衛生行為間的關係,認為本身對於衛生行為與健康是有很大的關聯,但家庭是情感支持與社會化歷程的主要來源,其作用涵蓋個體性格、價值觀念、身心適應等層面。因此,父母親會間接影響著個人的健康狀況與衛生行為。 本研究目的在於探討台灣地區中老年人之父母親社經地位對於下一代之衛生行為的影響。分析資料為「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列研究調查資料庫」2003年第五次追蹤調查資料,篩選出之50-56歲中老年人。 本研究結果發現,在衛生行為方面,以父母親社經地位來說,會影響研究對象其檳榔習慣與運動習慣;以研究對象本身來說,會影響衛生行為中抽菸習慣、喝酒習慣與檳榔習慣有關。在健康狀況方面,父母親社經地位會影響研究對象其自評健康狀況、是否罹患慢性病、日常活動是否限制與生活起居是否困難;以研究對象本身來說,會影響健康狀況中自評健康狀況、是否罹患慢性病、日常活動是否困難、生活起居是否困難有關。 本研究建議可以利用世代的長期追蹤的方式與健保局資料庫加以結合,進行分析與評估,更有效評估與探討影響中老年人健康之重要因素,使此資料庫分析更具有代表性。也建議政府及相關單位從家庭積極推動健康促進、預防保健、衛生教育、健康促進計劃等宣導,鼓勵民眾在早期及年幼時重視每一個階段健康管理之歷程,且重視健康行為相關議題。


Recent years in Taiwan, The improvement in medical technologies, nutrition and public environment have made the average living longer and longer. Most of the literature and more to explore the personal impact of health and health behavior of the relationship between, but the family is the emotional support and community of course the main source of its role in covering individual dispositions, values, body and mind of adaptation and others. Therefore, parents may indirectly affect the individual's health status and health behavior. Purpose of this study is to explore Taiwan among of older parent's social status to the next generation of health behavior. Analysis of data for "Taiwan in the living conditions of elderly long-term physical and psychological survey series of surveys tracking database" in 2003 the fifth panel data, and selected the 50-56 year old aged. The results showed that in health behaviors, socioeconomic status parents, the study will affect their chewing habits and exercise habits; to study the object itself, will affect the health behavior of smoking habits, drinking habits and betel nut habits. In health status, parental socioeconomic status affects the study of their self-rated health status, whether suffering from chronic, daily activities are restricted and the daily life is difficult; to study the object itself, will affect the health status of the self-rated health status whether the chronic disease, daily activities are restricted, whether the difficulties in the daily life. This study suggests that can be used for Longitudinal manner and Bureau of National Health Insurance database be combination, Analysis and evaluation, more effective evaluation and influencing the health of the elderly are the important factors, enable this database analysis more representative. Also recommends Government and related units from family actively promote health promotion, preventive health, health education, health promotion Scheme propaganda, Encourage the public in early and at a young age pay attention to every stage of health management process, and attention to health behaviors and related issues.


