  • 學位論文


Determinants of smoking cessation attempt among junior high school smokers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖宏恩


背景與目的:青少年的吸菸問題,一直是推動菸害防制人士所關注的議題之一。行政院衛生署國民健康局於2004年及2006年調查指出,13至15歲國中生吸菸率由2004年的6.5% (其中男性為8.5%、女性為4.2%)增加至2006年的7.5%(其中男性為9.7%,女性為4.7%),顯示青少年吸菸盛行率有增加趨勢。因此,除了持續維持預防青少年染上菸癮之外,如何針對初有吸菸行為的青少年,找出影響其嘗試戒菸行為相關因素,對發展有效防制策略與降低吸菸的青少年人口,有其一定意義。因此,本研究欲針對吸菸國中生探討戒菸行為現況及分析影響其嘗試戒菸的相關因素。 材料與方法:本研究進行次級資料分析,資料來源取自國民健康局「民國95年國中生吸菸行為調查」資料庫中,有吸菸的3864名國中生作為分析對象。本研究並利用PRECEDE-PROCEED model中的第四階段作為研究分析架構,將可能的影響因素歸類為三類:素質、增強、使能因素;統計軟體則以SPSS12.0進行描述性分析、與推論性分析(卡方檢定及二元邏輯斯迴歸),以瞭解影響已吸菸國中生嘗試戒菸行為相關因素。 結果:本研究結果顯示,有吸菸的國中生當中,有嘗試戒菸行為的共有84.23%,其中性別、年齡,及就讀年級與嘗試戒菸行為無顯著統計相關。影響吸菸國中生嘗試戒菸行為的素質因素計有「吸菸對健康的影響」、「吸菸對社會關係的影響」及「女性吸菸的社會形象」;增強因素包含「接觸到反菸資訊」、「曾接受過幫助或勸告」、「好友遞菸誘因」;使能因素則有「有無花錢買菸」。 結論與建議:若吸菸國中生自覺吸菸對健康與人際關係產生負面影響、或自覺女人吸菸社會形象為負面、或有接觸到反菸資訊、或曾接受過戒菸課程或專業人員的幫助、或曾接受過來自朋友或家人的戒菸幫助與勸告、或沒有花錢買菸、或沒有接受朋友遞菸的誘因者,則較容易嘗試戒菸行為。所以對於有吸菸行為的國中生,除持續加強反菸媒體傳播及徹底執行法律規範,及提供多管齊下的戒菸服務方式,提供吸菸國中生更多的戒菸管道。並在菸害防制教育推廣上,應再著重提供青少年在人際關係處理技巧訓練,壓力管理及拒菸社交技巧,加強拒菸技巧,進一步深化吸菸帶來負面的社會關係、社會形象,及對吸菸對健康負面的影響。


Background and purpose:The problem of adolescents smoking has been one of the spotlights among tobacco control issues.Surveys conducted by Bureau of Health Promotion indicated that the smoking prevalence rate of 13 to 15-year-old junior high school students was increasing from 6.5% (8.5% in males and females 4.2%) in 2004, to 7.5% in 2006 (9.7% in males and females 4.7%).In addition to keep preventing adolescents from beginning to smoke, we think it is meaningful to reduce the smoking juvenile population by finding out those influencing factors on the smoking cessation attempt of adolescents with smoking habits.Thus, this study is to analyze the profile of current smoking cessation behavior in junior high school students and correlated factors with smoking cessation attempt.   Materials and Methods:This study carries out a secondary data analysis. The data resource was from “Taiwan Youth Tobacco Survey, TYTS” conducted by Bureau of Health Promotion in 2006. We sifted out totally 3,864 smoking junior high school students as our research objects.In this study, we borrowed the fourth stage of PRECEDE-PROCEED model as our conceptual structure to classify possible impact factors into three categories: predisposing, reinforcing, enabling factors. In addition, we employed SPSS (ver. 12.0) software as our tool to have statistical inferences.   Results:The results showed that there was 84.23% of smoking cessation attempts among smoking junior high school students. There were no statistically significances between those attempts and gender, age, or school grade.In addition, the predisposing factors that influencing smoking cessation attempts of smoking junior high school students were “Belief of smoking on health”, “Belief of smoking on social relationship”, and “Attitude on the social image of female smoking”; the reinforcing factors were “Access to antismoking information”, “The sources of tobacco control advice or help”, and “Resistance of handy cigarette from good friends”; the enabling ones were “Whether or not buying cigarettes from out-of-pocket money.”   Conclusions and Recommendations: Those smoking adolescents are inclined to have smoking cessation attempts if they believe smoking are not good for their health and social relationships, or having negative attitudes on female smoking, having access to antismoking information, or having had been received tobacco control advice from health professionals, friends, or family members or the help of smoking-quitting program, or having had resistance of handy cigarette from good friends, or not having had buying cigarettes from out-of-pocket money.Therefore, we suggest there should be more services provision of smoking quitting channels available for junior high school students with smoking habits, in addition to endeavoring to law enforcement and continuous anti-smoking campaign.For the promotion of tobacco control education toward adolescents, we suggest a focus on the social skill trainings of interpersonal relationships and smoking resistances. Specifically, the training program may include the topics that smoking can result in negative social relationships, negative social images, and poor health.


行政院衛生署國民健康局(2006) ‧國中生吸菸行為調查‧行政院衛生署國民健康局,台北。


