  • 學位論文


The Research on Influence of Service Quality Differences of Corporate Image on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention.A Case Study of Automotive Repair Industry in Countries of Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 呂承璋


目前國產車售後服務競爭環境,已經進入白熱化的階段,在這個國產車商品同質化以及商品品質提升時代當中,若是想要提昇汽車業售後服務方面的競爭力,只是採用價格戰之方式來說已經不足夠。因此,進一步的邁向企業以及客戶關係和售後服務品質差異上,唯有這樣子才能夠提高客戶滿意度進而提升顧客保留率以及再次消費的慾望,並且才能夠讓企業得以永續經營。藉由本研究進行探討企業形象在客戶認知差異的情況之下,客戶對於服務品質差異及期望不同,對顧客滿意度產生影響,因此以中彰投地區不同廠牌別汽車修配業企業形象作研究。研究結論如下: 一、 消費者對服務品質差異與顧客滿意度有正向顯著影響。 二、 消費者對顧客滿意度與顧客保留有正向顯著影響。 三、 消費者對服務品質差異與顧客保留有正向顯著影響。 四、 企業形象會影響到服務品質差異以及顧客滿意度。


ABSTRACT The competitive environment of domestic car after-sale service has entered the white-hot stage. Facing homogenization and rising quality of domestic vehicle, improving the competitiveness of car after-sale service by way of price war could not be sufficient. According to this situation, increasing customer satisfaction for improving customer retention and repurchase intention, the relationship between enterprise and customer as well as service quality differences need to be considered in order to enhance sustainable management. This research image according to the influence of service quality differences of corporate image according to the differences of customer cognition on customer satisfaction. The corporate image of several brands of automotive repair industry in countries of central Taiwan would be discussed in this research. Study as follows: 1. Service quality differences have a significantly positive impact on customer satisfaction. 2. Customer satisfaction has a significantly positive influence on customer retention. 3. Service quality differences have a significantly positive impact on customer retention. 4. Corporate image has influences on service quality differences and customer satisfaction.


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