  • 學位論文


The Measurement Model and SOftware of The English Passage Ranking

指導教授 : 劉湘川


中文摘要 本研究目的在探討”短文閱讀正確性排序測驗與傳統克漏字測驗之相關分析” 導向”英文短文閱讀正確性排序測驗計分模式之發展與應用”。本測驗試題分為兩個部份: 一為傳統之克漏字測驗, 二為創新之「短文閱讀正確性排序測驗」,該創新測驗為採與克漏字測驗同一題材的十篇或八篇作文, 篇中都含有以克漏字十題為對錯依據, 而要求學生將其短文閱讀由最正確排至最不正確. 再經由自編軟體計分轉換系統,可求出各生作答之正確性排序與標準答案正確性排序之等級相關係數值; 將所得之等級相關系數加1後,再除以2可得正規化為大於零及小於1之值,再乘以一百,最終可得各生百分數計分值,再與克漏字之分數比較。 施測班級為國立水里商工餐飲科三年級,忠、孝兩班共七十二人, 另外普通高中科孝班一班,三十人 , 共一百零二人。 若是參與施測學生在傳統克漏字測驗和作文閱讀挑錯判斷之分數相關或相近, 是否能以短篇閱讀或作文形態之題型, 取代傳統的克漏字題型,而以語文學習中”線”的學習,跳脫傳統試題中”點”的學習的跼限,提昇學生對於語文閱讀全面的掌握與閱讀能力的加強。 更進一步地,由”點”,”線”,擴展到”面”的層次,進而提高學生寫作的能力,以呼應全球對於個人寫作能力的要求,也提昇個人的競爭技能。 研究結果說明如下: 一、 三個班級克漏字與短文閱讀挑錯的分數經過SPSS軟體分析後,都有相當程度的相關。 二、 高成就組學生克漏字與短文閱讀挑錯的平均分數很相近。但是低成就組的兩部份平均分數差距較大,以傳統克漏字部份的分數較高。 尤其低成就學生較高成就學生更為依賴傳統克漏字題型,可能是因為學生先備能力所致,而無法適應新題型。 三、 也有部分學生短文閱讀挑錯分數高於克漏字部份分數,除了高成就學生較熟悉閱讀型態的題型,有可能是少部分學生在比對之下選出與其他不同點而視為正確者,在這種情況下有猜測答案的嫌疑,也有可能是第二部份所提供的短文篇數不同所致。將來應該避免類似情形發生。 四、 高成就組克漏字分數高於短文閱讀的學生數和短文閱讀高於克漏字分數的 學生數相差不多,但是在低成就組的人數百分比差距較大。 五、 根據研究報告,大量閱讀有助於寫作能力的培養。希望能透過第二部份多篇的短文閱讀更能提昇學生寫作能力,也更能將片段的單字學習,擴展到閱讀能力的提昇,也加強了寫作的能力。 六、 將來的研究中也希望能去除傳統克漏字的部份,讓學生更能單獨接收新的題型,也更能集中效能於閱讀與寫作。 七、 英文短文正確性排序測驗之計分模式設計與軟體研發。希望計分軟體之研發,可以讓記分方式更加方便取得,以利於學生評量之需。


Abstract The purpose of the research is to explore the possibilities of “The Development And Application of the English Passage Score-Related Mode”, aiming at modifying the deficits of the conventional Cloze mode. The test content is divided into two portions; one is the traditional cloze test pattern; nevertheless, the other one provides ten English passages whose context is the same with that of the Close pattern. The ten English passages contain one to ten errors in them, and the students are supposed to pick them out and arrange them from the most correct passage to the least correct one . After the test course, the scores will be analyzed by the software “SPSS” and to be compared with one another to see if there is any connection between them. If the results shows the relations or closeness between the traditional Cloze pattern and the English passage error-picking mode among participating students , should we replace the old pattern with the new one? After the comparison, the index indicates that the relations really exist. Despite the dependence on the conventional type of Cloze pattern for the lower-graded students, all the index shows that both of the types can evaluate the students’ learning to some degrees. We are eventually in the hope that we can provide students with a more correct way to learn English. That means the students are provided with more complete writings instead of the fragments. In that way, students will be more and more familiar with the reading and writing for its essence, and then enhance their abilities of reading and writing articles. For the further researchers , the suggestions are that to avoid the reliance on the conventional type of test pattern , the students are required to have only the English passage reading parts instead of being provided with both of the patterns, guiding students to reading -oriented attitudes and urge students to write properly and more.




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