  • 學位論文


Use of cloud storage technology to construct private storage clouds

指導教授 : 林新力


雲端運算在近幾年因科技的發展從理論逐漸走入應用,其中有許多網際網路服務皆已走向雲端,許多知名資訊廠商如Google、MicroSoft、IBM、Oracle、Yahoo等,也都紛紛投入雲端技術與應用。雲端技術將提供更龐大的資源運用與整合,以往的集中計算與集中儲存,將轉變成分散計算與分散儲存,讓運算資源與儲存資源有效利用。 一個企業的運作需要許多的資訊硬體資源,從機房的主機群到使用者端的個人電腦,這些系統在工作環境中往往有許多閒置資源未被妥善利用,當企業主投入資金購買資訊硬體後,往往因無法有效蒐集與管理硬體資源而任其閒置,其中最明顯的為運算資源與儲存資源。因許多電腦主機的儲存剩餘空間不同,儲存媒介不同,若以單一主機角度來看,除了主機本身運作服務所需之儲存空間外,剩餘空間幾乎被閒置,一個企業若有許多主機,其閒置空間將呈現片段且零散。若能有效的整合這些閒置資源,將片段、零散的儲存空間整合成為一個大型儲存體,再提供企業利用,不但將能提高設備的使用率,也能節省企業購置儲存設備的成本。 本研究將運用雲端概念,實作雲端儲存於企業中,將不同等級之主機群儲存資源整合,以不增加任何硬體設備之前提下,建構一資訊平台將主機群組成儲存雲,提供企業內部再利用,此主機群所構成的儲存雲,可被用來作為企業的公用儲存庫,提供資料備份、交換、暫存等用途,本研究除整合主機群之閒置空間為私有儲存雲外,並運用企業儲存雲來實作內部檔案交換與備份服務。


Cloud computing technology in recent years has gradually developed from theory into application. Many well-known IT companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Yahoo, etc., have applied cloud technology into their applications. Cloud technology has the benefit of providing more efficient use of resources, by transforming previously centralized computing and storage into distributed computing and storage, thus putting computing resources and storage resources for more effective use. Most enterprises need IT hardware resources, from clusters of servers on the host side, to the clusters of personal computers on the user side. These hardware systems have many idle resources that are often not properly used in the work environment, while business owners continue to purchase even more IT hardware due to the ineffective collection and management of idled computing resources and storage resources. Since most computers host their own storage space required for the operation of services, there are unused and idled storage spaces within. If one can effectively integrate these idled and fragmented storage spaces into a large-scale continuous storage for general corporate use, then not only will it improve hardware equipment utilization, but also save enterprises the cost of purchasing additional storage equipment. Based on the concept of cloud computing, a private cloud storage for the subject enterprise was implemented that integrated different levels of idled storage resources within the enterprise and without additional hardware, to be used as a common enterprise repository to provide data backup, exchange, temporary storage and other purposes.


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