  • 學位論文


The Study of the Embedded Nighttime Driver Assistance System based on Software Component Technology

指導教授 : 陳彥霖 莊政宏


本論文之目的在於發展一套嵌入式夜間駕駛視覺輔助系統,藉由架設於汽車擋風玻璃後之視訊擷取裝置,即時獲取前方路況以及車輛影像,並且以一系列電腦視覺技術加以分析處理,以提供對於夜間行車輔助所需的車輛偵測、辨識、前方路況分析與判斷、事件偵測與警示等各項技術模組,並整合實現於一套以ARM-Linux為基礎之嵌入式系統平台上。在系統實現上,首先將各項需求進行模組化,分為:夜間光源物件影像切割子系統、光源物件之標定與分類子系統、車輛車燈物件辨識與標定子系統、車輛空間距離及位置與相對運動分析判定子系統、車輛定位追蹤與路況分析子系統,最後將整合各項模組並實現於一套嵌入式系統平台上,實作一套應用電腦視覺技術的嵌入式夜間駕駛視覺輔助系統,這套系統的主要功能與特點有,(1) 利用影像切割與物件分析技術,有效的偵測與追蹤前車與來車。(2) 可適用於具有複雜光源環境的夜間市區道路進行車輛偵測。(3) 軟體系統模組化設計,達到往後擴充功能的便利性與加強功能的擴充性。整合實現於嵌入式系統平台上,達到低成本、高效能的夜間駕駛輔助系統。


This paper presents an embedded system for detecting and tracking vehicles in front of a camera-assisted car during nighttime driving. The proposed method identifies vehicles based on detecting and locating vehicle headlights and taillights by using the techniques of image segmentation and pattern analysis. First, to effectively extract bright objects of interest, a fast bright-object segmentation process based on automatic multilevel histogram thresholding is applied on the nighttime road-scene images. This automatic multilevel thresholding approach can provide robustness and adaptability for the detection system to be operated well under various illumination conditions at night. The extracted bright objects are processed by a spatial clustering and tracking procedure by locating and analyzing the spatial and temporal features of vehicle light patterns, and estimating the distance between the detected vehicles and the camera-assisted car. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our developed method for detecting vehicles at night.


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