  • 學位論文


The Design of a Game-Based Shoulder Rehabilitation System

指導教授 : 張春明


由於人口結構高齡化與意外事故的影響,造成行動障礙的病患越來越多,其中人們日常生活中較少運動到的肩關節是最容易隨著年齡增長而退化或長時間缺乏運動而病變的關節,最常見的肩部病變就是令人耳熟能詳的五十肩。為了幫助病患減輕患部的疼痛感,增加關節活動角度,越來越多人需要進行復健治療,使得復健診療的需求日益迫切。 但傳統復健之過程極其冗長,且治療的過程枯燥乏味,易造成病患無法持之以恆,以至於復健效果不佳。研究顯示,透過遊戲的方式可有效提升病患的集中力以及能轉移病患之注意力,暫時忘卻復健時身體的不適,提高復健成效。因此本研究設計了一套用於復健的遊戲系統,透過機械機構與電子電路的結合來模擬肩輪的運動方式,再加上專為各年齡層男女所設計的復健遊戲,讓病患以遊戲的方式進行復健的療程,以期能增進病患持續復健之意願,提高醫療品質。 為驗證本系統與傳統肩輪有相同之功效與能藉由遊戲增加病患復健的意願以及忘卻患部不舒適感,我們進行系統功能實驗和使用者滿意度評估。透過系統功能實驗結果顯示,受測者使用本系統前後的關節活動度測量均有明顯的改善,表示本系統所設計之肩輪確實與一般肩輪有相同功效;透過使用者滿意度評估分析結果顯示,大部分使用者對於本系統不論是遊戲內容、操作方式與復健成效都給予很高的評價,證明本系統確實能增加病患參與復健的意願。


復健治療 復健系統 肩輪 遊戲


Because of the increase of the aging population and the number of accidents, more people are becoming physically handicapped. Rehabilitation therapy is then attracting more attentions. Since the duration of the traditional rehabilitation is extremely long and therapy process is very boring, the patients are reluctant to keep on the whole process, therefore the rehabilitation effect is not as good as expected. Studies have shown that games can promote patients’ concentration and dedication, as well as shift attentions of patients’ uncomfortableness during rehabilitation. In this research, a game system used for rehabilitation is developed. The mechanical parts and electric circuits are integrated to simulate the functions of a shoulder wheel. Moreover, the games are also designed to fit the needs of rehabilitation. The patients could work on their rehabilitation processes through playing games. They are willing to accept the new approach and therefore medical quality can be improved.


rehabilitation therapy game shoulder wheel


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