  • 學位論文


Purine contents of edible and medicinal mushrooms and their quality evaluation and antioxidant properties of Auricularia mesenterica, Pleurotus salmoneostramineus, Pholiota nameko, and Pleurotus ostreatus during postharvest storage

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑤


本研究第一部份所探討的為食藥用菇及經低溫儲藏後所含總嘌呤之變化,進一步分析以杏鮑菇 (Pleurotus eryngii) 為例,經水煮試驗之時間不同,探討其菇體及湯汁之總嘌呤變化。另外。第二部份針對黑木耳 (Auricularia mesenterica)、紅平菇 (Pleurotus salmoneostramineus)、滑菇 (Pholiota nameko) 和韓國蠔菇 (Pleurotus ostreatus),分析其儲藏期間呈味品質及抗氧化性質影響。 總嘌呤含量比較,子實體中以珊瑚菇 (38.13 mg/g) 含量最高,菌絲體則以猴頭菇 (5.12 mg/g) 為含量最多;儲藏性試驗中除杏鮑菇 (1.43-9.15 mg/g) 在儲藏天數增加之環境下,總嘌呤含量有較明顯差異性之外,其餘並無太大之趨勢;而在水煮試驗方面,杏鮑菇之湯汁在作用時間增加下,其總嘌呤含量 (2.42-2.78 mg/g) 無明顯之改變。 在黑木耳、紅平菇、滑菇與韓國蠔菇總菌數方面,在4°C 儲藏期間則以紅平菇 (4.78-6.17 log CFU/g fresh weight) 含量較高,而黑木耳在儲藏期間 (3.24-6.35 log CFU/g fresh weight) 隨著天數增加則有顯著性差異。在色澤方面,黑木耳因儲藏天數之增加,其顏色而有暗色漸趨為白色之差異性,而韓國蠔菇則隨時間拉長漸趨為暗褐色。 在呈味品質部分,經分析後發現,此四種菇類子實體所含的可溶性糖,包含有阿拉伯糖、甘露糖醇、葡萄糖、肌醇和蕈糖,而四種菇類可溶性糖總量隨著儲藏天數增加含量由高漸低,其中總量以滑菇最高 (381.87-461.65 mg/g); 游離胺基酸總含量則以韓國蠔菇及滑菇較其它二者為高; 在風味核苷酸含量,滑菇和紅平菇隨儲藏期間增加而提升。抗氧化性質部分,以四種菇乙醇萃清除 DPPH 自由基能力皆較熱水萃為佳,且儲藏過程並不影響其抗氧化能力; 四種菇之總多酚含量以乙醇萃 (33.89-71.24 mg/g) 較熱水萃 (5.11-17.63 mg/g) 高。 以黑木耳、紅平菇、滑菇及韓國蠔菇之乙醇及熱水萃部份,抗氧化能力方面,對 1,1-二苯基-2-苦味肼基團的清除能力,乙醇萃取物以黑木耳儲藏第 3 天的EC50 值 (0.22 mg/mL) 為最佳,以及熱水萃取物以紅平菇儲藏第 3 天的EC50 值 (0.46 mg/mL) 為最佳,總觀來看以黑木耳儲藏第 3 天之乙醇萃取物為最佳;在總多酚化合物含量上,分別為乙醇萃取之黑木耳 (71.24 mg/g) > 紅平菇 (48.20 mg/g) > 韓國蠔菇 (41.79 mg/g) > 滑菇 (34.22 mg/g);相較之下,其四種菇在熱水萃取物下,總多酚含量則為紅平菇 (17.63 mg/g) > 韓國蠔菇 (16.75 mg/g) > 黑木耳 (15.11 mg/g) > 滑菇(7.93 mg/g),其總多酚含量則以乙醇萃取物較高。而在儲藏期間,四種菇類乙醇萃及熱水萃之抗氧化力皆有一定程度的變化。 綜合以上所述,子實體與菌絲體在嘌呤表現部分也有明顯之差異性,而四種菇類均富含極佳呈味品質,並具有不錯的抗氧化能力,在儲藏期間呈味品質則有些微變化,以上結果,可供業者在栽培與推廣之參考以及民眾在烹煮食藥用菇上有所參考。


The first part of this study was to explore the edible and medicinal mushrooms and low-temperature storage of the total purines contained in the post-change. In order to analyze Pleurotus eryngii, for example, by boiling at different times, with the soup of the total purine change in mushroom. In addition, the second part of the research is about quality evaluation and antioxidant properties of Auricularia mesenterica, Pleurotus salmoneostramineus, Pholiota nameko, and Pleurotus ostreatus during postharvest storage. In about total purine content, Pleurotus citrinopileatus (38.13 mg /g) is the the highest content of fruiting body. In mycelium, Hericium erinaceus (5.12 mg /g) is the the highest content to; storage test, in addition to Pleurotus eryngii (1.43-9.15 mg/g) increase the number of days in storage, the total purine content have a more significant difference, the rest is not too much of the trend; while boiling experiments, Pleurotus eryngii soup at the time increases, total purine content (2.42-2.78 mg /g) has no change. In the Auricularia mesenterica, Pleurotus salmoneostramineus, Pholiota nameko and Pleurotus ostreatus in the total bacterial counts, when in the 4°C storage, Pleurotus salmoneostramineus (4.78-6.17 log CFU / g fresh weight) was the highest content;and the Auricularia mesenterica in the storage period (3.24 - 6.35 log CFU /g fresh weight) increased with the number of days there were significant increase. In the color area, Auricularia mesenterica increase in the number of days due to storage, its pale white color while the difference between dark and Pleurotus ostreatus were elongated into a dark brown with time. The quality of the flavor, soluble sugar to increase the number of days with the storage, the content changes from high to low, which amount to Pholiota nameko highest (381.87-461.65 mg /g); in total content of free amino acids, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pholiota nameko were higher than another two; in the flavor nucleotides, Pholiota nameko and Pleurotus salmoneostramineus increase with the day during storage. Part of anti-oxidant properties, the four kinds of mushroom to clear DPPH is ethanol extracts better than the water extracts, and the storage period does not affect their antioxidant capacity; four kinds of mushrooms, the total polyphenol content of ethanol extract (33.89-71.24 mg /g) is higher than the hot water extract (5.11-17.63 mg /g). Antioxidant capacity of DPPH scavenging ability of ethanol extract in Auricularia mesenterica storage EC50 values of 3-day (0.22 mg /mL) as the best, as well as the hot water extract to Pleurotus salmoneostramineus storing the first three days of the EC50 value(0.46 mg /mL) as the best overview of view in order to Auricularia mesenterica the first three days of storage of ethanol extract of the best In the total polyphenol content, for the ethanol extract of Auricularia mesenterica (71.24 mg /g)> Pleurotus salmoneostramineus (48.20 mg /g)> Pleurotus ostreatus (41.79 mg /g)> Pholiota nameko (34.22 mg /g); In addition, the hot water extract, total polyphenol content was Pleurotus salmoneostramineus (17.63 mg /g)> Pleurotus ostreatus (16.75 mg /g)> Auricularia mesenterica (15.11 mg /g)> Pholiota nameko (7.93 mg /g), so the ethanol extract is the highest of total number phenol content. In the storage period, the four kinds of mushrooms, the ethanol extraction and hot water extract also have a certain degree of change. Sum up the above, fruiting body and mycelium of the performance of some of the purine are also no significant differences, while the four kinds of mushrooms are rich in flavor excellent quality and has good antioxidant capacity, in the quality of the flavor during storage there is a slight change, the above results, for the industry in the cultivation and promotion of reference, as well as people in the cooking edible and medicinal mushrooms on the reference.


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