  • 學位論文


A Study on the Usage of Computer /Internet and Education-need of the Disabled in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正 邱政元


本研究目的為探討影響戓灣地區身心障礙者其電腦、網路使用行為及電腦教育需求之相關因素。採用行政院研考會「97年身心障礙數位落差與數位生活需求調查報告」次級資料庫,進行橫斷性研究與資料分析。 經邏輯斯迴歸模型預測台灣地區身心障礙者電腦使用行為,研究結果發現:男性、年齡愈低、教育程度愈高、有工作者、個人月收入愈高、居住在北部地區、輕度自閉症與輕度智能障礙者、及家裡有連上網際網路者,其曾經使用過電腦的機率則愈高;在網路使用行為方面,年齡愈低、教育程度愈高、有工作者、個人月收入愈高及家裡有連上網際網路、使用電腦不需他人協助、使用電腦硬體與軟體沒有困難者,其曾經使用網路的機率愈高;在電腦教育需求方面,有工作者、個人月收入越高、家庭有連上網際網路、操作電腦軟體有困難之身障者其有電腦教育需求的機率較高。 根據研究結果建議政府相關單位,需加強與身心障礙者及其家屬溝通並優先提供經濟弱勢之身障者相關電腦教育,同時考慮成立科技輔具的專責團體,以提供符合身心障礙者使用電腦及網路的需求。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that influence the disables’ usage of computer/internet, and their education-need. The survey of disable people in the 2008 Digital Divide was used to explore the factors. The dataset was collected by RDEC (Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan) to reduce the gap of digital divide between urban and rural areas, and between different groups in Taiwan. The study found that groups of male, younger, high education level, employment, high personal income, living in northern section, mild autism and mental retardation and connecting internet at home were more likely to be associated with ever used computer. Among those disables who ever operated computer, the groups of younger, high education level, employment, high personal income, connecting internet at home and had no difficulties in operating computer and using software and hardware had higher possibility had ever surfed on the internet; the groups of employment, high personal income, connecting internet at home and difficult to use computer software had shown higher computer education-need. According the findings of research, here are specific suggestions for policymakers to shorten the digital divide for disables. Government needs to pay more attention to disable population, to provide computer education to them, and to establish a special project focusing on assistive technology for disables.


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