  • 學位論文


Indoor RFID Gait Monitoring System for Fall Detection

指導教授 : 陳永進


高齡化社會來臨,高齡人口逐漸增加,健康照護需求日增。早期偵測早期預防的個人化照護(point-of-care),已成為健康照護的重點,包括驗尿、生理檢測、服藥提醒、跌倒感測等,其中,跌倒是高齡者最容易發生的意外,根據統計,在65歲以上的高齡者接近五成的人曾經發生跌倒的意外而受傷,已成為死亡的主要原因。 高齡者因老化造成肌力下降,除容易發生事故,也會減少活動時間,導致生理機能更加退化。因此本研究提出「室內步態追蹤系統」,利用嵌於室內脫鞋中的RFID雙頻模組,讀取貼附在地板上的Tags,記錄在室內行走的情形,尤其是步幅,當步幅小於設定值,就會發出警示聲音通知護理人員。藉由長時間且連續記錄室內行走的時間、距離及步幅,判斷是否有異常。如果監測數據異於平均值,表示高齡者的生活習慣或模式有所改變,可能是生理機能衰退的癥候,便能提早預防與處理,期能降低高齡者醫療照護之成本,更能保障高齡者獨自自主生活。


Due to home accidents occurring within the world's aging population, especially with the accidental stumble and falling of the elderly, mortality and morbidity from falls have become one of the major issues in the health care system. In most developed countries, most frequent stumbles and falls occur in and around the community or at home. A number of wearable devices integrated with accelerometers have been tested to detect accidental stumbles and falls. Of those tested using waist or chest-attached devices, however, were not only user unfriendly but also deficient in 100% detection accuracy. In this paper, a RFID-based gait monitoring system (RGMS) is proposed, which helps caregivers detect stumbles and falls of the elderly without any restriction to time and place. The proposed RGMS consists of a pair of slippers with a dual band RFID module, several readers and a computing system. The RGMS provides quantitative and graphical feedback to caregivers for gait monitoring and the assessment of gait abnormality by tracking the elder’s cadence, stride length, and gait. This gait tracking system is responsive, accurate, and most of all user friendly.


RFID Gait analysis Indoor Position


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