  • 學位論文


Augmented Reality Based Interactive Implementation on E-learning – A Case Design of Plants Growing Study

指導教授 : 陳士農 張榮吉


隨著多媒體技術不斷的進步,在數位學習中應用多媒體來發展數位學習教材已被認為是相當重要的議題。本研究目的在於建構一個互動多媒體學習平台;此平台以植物生長學習為主,讓學習者透過互動體驗的學習模式,體驗植物生長過程中光合作用、向光性、睡眠運動、閉合運動與碳氧平衡等課程。感受數位媒體的互動特質,以悅趣式來提升學習的興趣。本系統運用Adobe Flash Player 10.1平台整合擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)、Arduino微控制器與麥克風,利用數位動畫設計軟體與3D技術,以植物酢醬草、蔓花生、含羞草生長過程為腳本,設計一系列AR Marker。學習者利用Webcam擷取AR Marker的訊息,在螢幕上產生立體的物件與媒體。本研究運用真實生活情境及物理現象,讓學習者能夠感受到AR的擬真感,隨著AR Marker更換與角度的變化,可以直接與3D物件進行互動,體驗真實與虛擬結合的學習情境。本研究的成果提供給不同使用者與學童體驗植物生長的過程,以悅趣式達到玩樂與輔助學習效果,透過使用者不斷的回饋,將可讓研究成果更具有價值。


With advances in digital technology, the commercial use of augmented reality (AR) systems has been widely employed for software and hardware in education. Users can easily use marker-based AR systems to input pre-designed markers and then to conduct the new scenes by blending together the real world and computer-generated 3D images. Based on the AR technology, this research constructs an E-learning platform for scientific study of plant life by growing. The script of plant life has been created to show the growth of flowers through applying a series of markers. Children can use a camera to capture the information of multiple AR markers where interactions with 3D objects can be achieved through AR technology. By the interaction with variations of AR markers and time changes of the Arduino Clock, children learn the growth of plants during day and night. Accordingly, the results show that integrating AR technology into the curriculum can bring fun to learning and children would learn more through a mixed-reality virtual experience.


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