  • 學位論文


A study of quality of life for pre-school children in mid-income families

指導教授 : 王俊毅


學齡前兒童必須依附在家庭中生活,因此兒童生活品質狀況受到家庭影響甚鉅。為瞭解中低收入戶學齡前兒童的生活品質概況,並探討其相關影響因素,本研究採用橫斷式問卷調查,以彰化市縣中低收入戶學齡前兒童(0-6歲)為研究對象,共回收有效問卷714份。問卷內容包括:兒童、父母及主要照顧者基本資料,及兒童生活品質量表(TAPQOL)。收集資料編譯建檔後,將兒童依主要照顧者身份分為父母照顧組、祖父母照顧組和他人照顧組三組。以套裝軟體SPSS 12.0 for windows進行統計分析。研究結果發現: 1. 中低收入戶學齡前兒童的父母婚姻關係以離婚(47.5%)居多,且父母教育程度偏低、工作處於勞動位階。 2. 本研究三組兒童之生活品質,以「祖父母照顧組」最好,「他人照顧組」之生活品質得分最低,且在「胃部問題」、「皮膚問題」、「行為問題」、「正向情緒」及「活力」部分達顯著差異。 3. 由迴歸分析發現,兒童為男孩、由他人照顧者生理功能較差;由他人照顧、主要照顧者有身障、父母婚姻狀況為已婚的兒童傾向有較多的行為問題和較差的社交功能、正向情緒、活力。 建議:1. 將中低收入戶主要照顧者為身障及非父母及祖父母照顧之兒童列為家庭關懷服務對象,定期追蹤觀察兒童的成長發育情況,增加兒童情緒及心理輔導,必要時安排保護安置,以維護兒童生活品質,俾使其身心正常發展。2. 社會福利政策的給付對象不應單以婚姻狀況為考量,應將主要照顧者及家庭狀況納入扶助條件。


Pre-school children need family support for existence. Their quality of life would depend on the status of family. The main purpose of this study is to understand the quality of life for pre-school children in mid-income families. This was a cross-sectional study and was proceeded with structural questionnaires. The samples in the study were 0-6 years old pre-school children in mid-income families in Changhua County. There were 714 effective questionnaires completed. The results of this study include: 1. Most parents of these pre-school children in mid-income families were divorced (47.5%), lower educational level and labor class. 2. The quality of life in the “take care by grandparents group” and “take care by others group” were respectively the best and lowest among the three groups. The differences among the three groups in “stomach problems”, “skin problems”, “problem behavior”, “positive mood” and “liveliness” were achieved the significance level. 3. Children taking care by others and boys presented worse physical functions. Children taking care by others, having disabled primary caregivers and married parents were more behavior problems and poor sociability, positive mood and liveliness. Based on the findings of the study, the suggestions of the practice were as follows: 1. The children taking care by others or disabled primary caregivers in mid-income families should be taken care with social welfare services, such as regular follow-up and examination into the growth of children. Besides, increasing children's emotional and psychological counseling, and if necessary, arrangements for the protection placement are also important to maintain the quality of life and to promote proper growth and development of children. 2. Social welfare payment objects should not only rely on their marital status, but also the conditions of primary caregivers and families.


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