  • 學位論文


The Study on The Factors of Adopting E-Book Reader for Teacher

指導教授 : 游雅雯


由於Amazon Kindle 與Apple iPad的熱銷,帶動電子書議題在近期被廣泛熱烈的討論。美國研究機構Forrester Research預估,教科書在五年之後將成為電子書閱讀器最大市場;在電子書閱讀器不斷推陳出新的當下,政府單位與民間企業若能事先掌握影響教師對於電子書閱讀器使用意願的關鍵因素,並將其運用在業務推廣政策與市場行銷上,俾能引領世界趨勢潮流,發揮台灣競爭優勢。 本研究主要目的為探討教師對於電子書閱讀器的採用因素。首先透過國內外相關文獻分析,篩選出主要的影響因素;其次運用層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP) 進行各構面評估因素之權重計算與排序;最後採取決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)判別評估構面間的關連性及因果關係。 彙整上述資料分析後,本研究得到以下幾點結論: 1. 數位內容的「功能性與便利性」是最重要的影響因子。 2. 校園推行電子閱讀,政府的政策推動與獎勵不可少。 3. 個人的科技創新度相對其他因子,屬於被影響因子。 4. 網路普及與便利有助於推廣電子書閱讀器。 5. 推廣電子書閱讀器,價格仍是關鍵。 本研究之結論可供政府教育單位參考,並對電子書閱讀器產業未來發展方向提出建議。


Recently e-Book has been widely discussed and brought into public attention with the presence of Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad on the market. Forrester as a U.S. research institution estimated that the textbook will be the largest market for e-book reader within five years. Meanwhile, there are continuously releases of e-book contents free or commercially available on the shelves. If government agencies and industry companies can seize the initiative of the key factors of teachers’ willingness to utilize e-book reader and further transfer these into policy making and business marketing, Taiwan governments and companies can thus play a competitive advantage and mutual benefit from the world’s new trends. The purpose of the research is to investigate the influence factors of the willingness of teachers to use e-book reader in class. First, the main factors were selected through the literature review and filtered by relevant experts from academic institutes and industry fields. Next, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to allocate the weights and ranking of the factors of the evaluation model. Last, the decisions were taken by laboratory analysis Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to determine the correlation and causation among these dimensions. Based on the research findings, the functionality and convenience of the digital contents are the most influential factor and the price of e-book reader is the key to popularization. In conclusion, this research can be used as reference for educational institutions and some constructive recommendations are provided for future industry development and e-book content suppliers.


吳泓怡、張洧銘、周佳蓉(2006),應用決策實驗室分析法於運動休閒鞋消費者之購買決策關鍵,中華民國品質學會第42 屆年會暨第12 屆全國品質管理研討會,台中。


