  • 學位論文


Exploring Service Innovation of Funeral and Interment Industry Based on Life Value Perspective:A case study of Lung Yen Co.

指導教授 : 邱文宏博士


內政部戶政司人口指標顯示2009年老年人口已達到10.63%,社會高齡化已遠超過聯合國世界衛生組織所訂7%之標準,隨著高齡人口增加,行政院經建會人口統計資料顯示,台灣地區每年死亡人數將由民國98年之14.3萬人逐年增加,到民國140年將增至36萬人,死亡人數將約為目前之2.5倍,突顯了在整個殯葬產業的市場,將由現在每年500億的市場增加至1250億,民眾對於殯葬服務需求將與日俱增,因此,極需改革及導入服務創新的新思維。觀之,現有殯葬業者多以商業角度來增加利潤,尤其,目前對於殯葬業的研究大多著重於消費者的行為研究、殯葬產業的動態研究、消費者的滿意度研究、生前契約探討及殯葬設施的探討,少有探討殯葬業的生命價值與服務創新的相關議題。本文研究目的是藉由生命價值的觀點,並依殯葬業價值活動,分析殯葬業推動服務創新,以瞭解殯葬業價值轉換與再定位。 本研究採用Frankl (1969) 之以生命價值觀點:創造意義價值、體驗意義價值以及態度意義價值為三大構面來探討,而殯葬業五大價值活動緣、殮、殯、葬以及續;研究個案為龍巖公司服務股份有限公司,由次級資料(網路、期刊論文、平面雜誌、相關專書等)、參與式觀察、焦點團體法與專家訪談進行多重資料來源蒐集與分析,力求符合三角檢驗原則,以確保資料飽和與完整性,並提升本文之信效度,並以龍巖公司歷年所推出之較重大之服務創新活動為分析單元。


Population index from Dept. of Household Registration indicated that elderly population was up to 10.63% in 2009, aging society exceeded 7% standard, such standard was regulated by World Health Organization of United Nations. As the elderly population is increased, demographic information of Council for Economic Planning and Development indicates, the annual death toll will be increased gradually in Taiwan area since 143thousand persons in 2009. In the year of 2051, it shall be increased to 360thousand persons; the death toll will be 2.5 times comparing with the current figure. Obviously, the overall market for funeral and interment industry will be increased to 1250hundred million from current 500hundred million per year; people need funeral and interment service growing with each passing day. Therefore, innovation and introducing new thought on creative service are extremely required. Through observation, the present funeral and interment industry are running the business almost for commercial purpose in order to increase benefit. Particularly and nowadays, the research on funeral and interment industry mostly focus on consumer behavior, dynamic research on funeral and interment industry, consumer satisfaction research, lifetime contract exploration, as well as funeral and interment facilities exploration. The relevant issue with regard to life value and creative service of funeral and interment industry is rare. The purpose of this research is by means of life value viewpoint, and in accordance with life activity of funeral and interment industry, to analyze this kind of industry for promoting creative service, and to understand value change and repositioning of funeral and interment industry .。 This research adopts life value viewpoint of Frankl (1969): there are three major elements including create meaningful value, experience meaningful value, as well as meaningful value of attitude. And valuable activities of funeral and interment industry are: fate, coffin, funeral, burial and continuousness, the case study is Lung Yen Life Service Co., Ltd., with secondary information (network, journal thesis, graphic magazine, relevant book etc.), and participated observation and expert interview, to proceed multi information source collection and analysis, which can meet triangulation principle, to assure information is full and complete, that can advance the reliability and validity of this article. Further, the analysis unit is about the great creative service activities launched by Lung Yen Life Service over the years. The results are as follows after inductive analysis: First, in the past, funeral and interment industry only handled routine works such as coffin, funeral and burial. Now, they also care about life with solicitude gradually, to create meaningful value. Second, at “fate” stage, big group let consumers identify with value of attitude meaning through life-death education, and they increase its ratio of pre-project, too. Third, meaningful value creation and value of attitude meaning have become new factors in major creative services among five activities procedures, fourth, in experiencing value of meaning and attitude, and regarding creative services for “fate” and “continuousness”, funeral and interment industry considerately provide deathbed care, moreover, provide ceremonies for “decease after one hundred days”, “decease after one year”, “combined with ancestral tablets”, to show existence meaning of life value. Fifth, through education on value of attitude meaning, which can make five service procedures of funeral and interment feel, life is limited, so, inner thanksgiving state of mind is generated.


Creative service Life value Lung Yen Co.


劉文任(2001)《殯葬改革的挑戰與思維》,20e 世紀殯葬改革研討會,內政部,頁5-8。
