  • 學位論文

探討專案經理與顧客關係品質及其對顧客行為意圖之影響─ 以中華電信企業客戶單位為例

Exploring Project Managers and Customers Relation Quality and Its Impact on Customer Behavioral Intentions ─ Chunghwa Telecom Enterprise Customers Unit as Example

指導教授 : 游雅雯


我國電信開放後,使得電信服務進入市場競爭的時代,同時也帶給消費者更多樣的選擇。由於中華電信不再是各種電信服務的唯一提供者。對中華電信而言,消費者不再是以往被動的去等待提供服務的「用戶」,而是可以主動選擇的「客戶」。也就是說,在電信市場的開放後,中華電信已無法再維持獨佔經營的優勢。 本研究從顧客的觀點,來探討中華電信公司專案經理影響顧客關係品質之前置因子與結果變項,以瞭解專案經理與顧客關係品質對顧客行為意圖的影響。問卷調查對象包括南投縣內之企業客戶中與中華電信公司之業務對應人,再配合問卷使用、SPSS分析與差異分析,來探討以關係品質為主之三項構面包括關係行銷、專案經理服務的特質以及專業職能。研究結果證實,關係行銷、專家經理服務的特質與專業職能等對專案經理與顧客關係品質有正向顯著的影響,良好的關係品質將促成顧客間口碑推薦與關係持續的行為意圖。


The telecommunication services in Taiwan have entered the new era of market competition after the opening of telecommunication operators, which also provide consumer more diverse choices on telecommunication provider. As Chunghwa telecommunication is not the only telecommunication service provider in the market, the role of consumer is no longer passive, users are now with many choices on telecommunication service providers. This research is based on customer’s perspective to explore Chunghwa Telecommunication project managers and customer relationship quality and its impact on customer behavioral intentions. This study used literature reviews as grounded theory and data were collected through telephone interviews among customers. It is shown relational marketing, project manager‘s service characteristic and specialized function of the project manager have positive impact on customers. Good relational quality with customers will lead to better relation behavior intention and oral recommendation from customers and hence buying intention in the future.


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