  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Lifestyle of Female Comsumer and Online Purchase Behavior

指導教授 : 張少樑


隨著女性教育程度提升,經濟自主意識抬頭,加速女性投入勞動市場,女性對經濟的影響愈顯重要,若干文獻甚至以「Womenomics」反映此等趨勢。2009年8月高盛(Goldman Sachs)與哈佛商業評論(Harvard Business Review)均指出女性代表一個成長的市場,規模幾乎超越中國和印度兩國總和的兩倍。另一方面,隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,女性的消費能力提升亦為網路市場成長重要的一環,如果可以發掘其不同消費族群的特性與需求,將有助於找到網路購物市場商機。因此本研究以生活型態變數及人口統計變數為投入變數,探討是否影響女性消費者網路購物決策制定。在資料的收集方面,採問卷調查法,總計發出450份問卷,回收436份,其中有效問卷為410份。樣本資料則以描述性統計、信度分析、變異數分析、因素分析以及集群分析等統計方法加以分析。希望藉此研究讓電子商務經營者更能知悉女性消費者的需求,進而提供更符合女性消費者需求的商品和服務。研究結果發現:(1)全體受訪者可歸類為四個女性集群,分別為:「新潮體現族」、「流行儉樸族」、「追隨享樂族」、「消極慵懶族」,而且四群樣本在生活型態因素上均為顯著差異;(2)各集群在是否曾從事網路購物行為呈顯著差異,新潮體現族的比例相較其他族群高;(3)各集群在網路購物時對網站的信任呈顯著差異。


Abstract With the improving education level and economic self-consciousness, women are accelerating their paths into the labor market and playing an important role in economical development more than ever. A number of documents even reflect these trends with the word ”Womenomics”. Both Goldman Sachs and Harvard Business Review have pointed out that women represent a growing market, whose scale is almost exceeding twice the sum of China and India market. Also with the booming e-commerce, a rise in women’s consumption power takes an important part in the Internet market growth. If the characteristics and the needs of different segments can be identified, it will help to promote the opportunities of online shopping market. This study intended to explore the relationships between women’s lifestyle and online shopping decision-making as well as buying behavior. For data collection, questionnaire survey was adopted, a total of 450 questionnaires were dispatched and 436 returned, of which 410 were valid. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, analysis of variance, factor analysis and cluster analysis. It is hoped that the findings of this study could make the e-commerce practitioners to be more aware of the needs of female consumers, and could provide products and service to their satisfaction. The main findings include: (1)the whole sample can be clustered into four groups, including “exploring vogue and enjoying life”, “following fashion but frugal”, “following trend and pursuing joy ” and “being negative and inactive to life ”. (2) “exploring vogue and enjoying life” segment is conducting online shopping more actively than other groups. (3)different segments demonstrate significant difference in trusting the website while conducting the online shopping.


張愛華、陳仁惠、陳俊儒(2005),網絡使用者購物價值、網絡購物動機與其對網絡行銷策略之偏好與反應 ,輔仁管理評論雜誌,12(1),31-64。
