  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Problem-based learning Intervention in Health and Physical Education Study of Junior High School ~ First Aid Education As An Example

指導教授 : 黃雅文


本研究旨在了解國中學生急救知能的現況,並以問題本位學習介入九年一貫課程國中健康與體育領域安全生活教育的急救教育訓練課程,探討此教學方法對於國中學生急救知識、急救態度、急救效能及急救行為意向的成效。本研究採實驗組控制組前後測準實驗設計,以台中市某國中四個班的八年級130位學生為研究對象,實驗組63人施予八週問題本位學習介入急救教育訓練課程,控制組67人則無。對兩組均施予「國中學生急救知能問卷」前、後測,以SPSS 12.0版進行量化資料分析。並輔以單元回饋單、學生自評量表、學生互評量表等質性資料分析,探討學生急救知能的改變的情形及對問題本位學習的教學評價。經共變數及t 檢定結果顯示,在後測與追蹤測實驗組比控制組在急救知識、態度、自我效能及行為意向均有顯著的增進效果,大多數實驗組學生對本課程活動持正面的評價。建議:學校可以推廣本研究之課程,以提升學生急救之知能。


The purpose of this study was to explore the status of junior high school students’ first aid knowledge and to research the effectiveness of their learned knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavioral intention through problem-based learning (PBL) course in the area of first aid education. The study adopted quasi-experimental design. 130 samples were from 4 classes of a junior high school in Taichung. They were divided into intervention group and control group each with 63 and 67 students. The former was intervened 8-week PBL first aid training course but the latter didn’t. Both groups were pre and post tested the questionnaire about “The first aid knowledge of junior high school students equipped”. Data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 version. Besides, qualitative analysis was made to the unit feedback sheet and checklist in order to find the improvement of the students after the course and their evaluation to the PBL course. Being analysis of convariance; ANCOVA and T-test, it appeared that the first aid knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavioral intention of the intervention group are significantly improved. In the meantime, most of the students have positive evaluation to this course. Suggestion is proposed to schools to promote the course of this study to enhance the first aid knowledge of the students.


尤煌傑(2008)。PBL 與哲學:「以問題為基礎的學習」(PBL)教學法在「西方美學理論及批 判」課程的應用。哲學與文化,35(5),109-121。
