  • 學位論文


The associated factors of smoking and smoking cessation of the adult in Taiwan

指導教授 : Ying-Chu Wang


重要性與目的:世界衛生組織指出,目前全球每年約500萬人死於吸菸相關疾病,每10位成人死亡中就有1人因吸菸而喪命,若不能加以控制菸害,到2030年,全球每年將超過800萬人吸菸而死於相關疾病,本研究主要分析影響台灣地區18歲以上的人口是否吸菸與有否戒菸行為之相關因素探討。 方法:本研究採次級資料分析,利用行政院衛生署國民健康局所設計的96年度台灣地區18歲以上「成年人吸菸行為調查」問卷資料。總研究樣本數為16,588人,扣除33個樣本為不詳,本研究之樣本數16,555人,探討個人因素(性別、年齡別、教育程度別、平均每月總收入別、自覺健康狀況別)、環境因素(工作場所是否在室外、有否家庭二手菸、家庭吸菸規定別)共二大項是否會影響吸菸行為。在戒菸行為之相關影響因素探討部分,擷取18歲以上成年人吸菸者扣除其中無吸菸者或拒答者並扣除629個樣本為不詳,計4,231人為本研究之樣本數,探討個人因素(性別、年齡別、教育程度別、有無配偶、有否工作、平均每月總收入別、自覺健康狀況別)、環境因素(工作場所是否在室外、有否家庭二手菸、家庭禁菸規定別、職場禁菸規定別、有否職場二手菸)共二大項,對戒菸行為的影響,以SPSS12.0軟體進行資料處理與統計分析。 結果:使用邏輯斯迴歸分析,在校正其他影響因素後,對吸菸者而言,發現男性吸菸率大於女性,且隨著年齡增加吸菸的比率也隨著提高,教育程度越低、高收入者吸菸的比率越高。若家庭有禁菸規定者,吸菸的比率較低。在戒菸方面,以邏輯斯迴歸分析發現有配偶者、高收入者、自覺健康狀況普通、家庭有禁菸規定者戒菸的比率越高。 結論:在校正其他影響因素後,發現性別、年齡別、教育程度別、平均每月總收入別、工作場所是否在室外、家庭吸菸規定別對吸菸有顯著差異。在戒菸方面,以邏輯斯迴歸分析發現有無配偶、平均每月總收入別、自覺健康狀況別、家庭禁菸規定別對戒菸有顯著差異。本研究期望提供未來施政方向的戒菸可行方案與建議。


吸菸 戒菸 成年人


Importance and purpose: The World Health Organization report finds that ten percent of 5 million adults deaths worldwide are related to smoking per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030. The aim of this study is to analysis the factors associated with behavior of smoking and smoking cessation in Taiwanese who is over 18 years old. Method: This study was based on the secondary data analysis. Data was come from “Adult Smoking Behavior Survey” conducted by the Bureau of Health Promotion Department in Taiwan in 2007. The total sample size was 16,588 persons with 33 unknown information samples, the total samples involved in the study were 16,555 to explore the personal factors (gender, age, educational level, average total monthly income, conscious health status) and environmental factors (whether workplace in the outdoor, household passive smoking, family smoking regulation) were two major items affect smoking behavior. The related factors of smoking cessation behavior, exclude 629 samples were no smokers or no answers, the total samples involved were 4,231 to explore the personal factors (gender, age, educational level, whether the spouse, whether the work, conscious health status, average total monthly income) and environmental factors (whether workplace in the outdoor, household passive smoking, family smoking regulation) were two major items affect smoking behavior. SPSS 12.0 statistical analysis software was used to analysis. Result: Using logistic regression analysis, after adjustment for other factors, for smokers, found that male smoking rates than females, and increased with age smoking rates also rise, the lower level of education, high income Smoking rates are higher. If the family have smoking ban, smoking was low. In smoking cessation, the logistic regression analysis showed has a spouse, high income, general health status, family smoking cessation rates were higher provisions . Conclusion: After adjustment for other factors, the results showed that gender, age, educational level, average total monthly income, whether workplace in the outdoor, conscious health status, household smoking ban have significant effect on smoking behavior. After adjustment for other factors, the data showed that with or without spouse, average total monthly income, conscious health status, family smoking regulation, have significant effect on smoking cessation behavior. This study attempts to provide the direction of future policy options and recommendations for smoking cessation.


smoking smoking cessation adult


