  • 學位論文


Effects of Integrating Multimedia Picture Books into English Remedial Instruction on Elementary School Underachievers’ Reading Comprehension and Learning Attitudes

指導教授 : 鄭鼎耀


為培養具未來競爭力的「全球公民」,英語溝通、多媒體科技使用以及人文素養皆為重要的「未來力」。為探尋可行的未來力培養課程以幫助低成就學童,教學研究者設計本「多媒體繪本融入英語補教教學」課程,以期了解「多媒體繪本融入英語補教教學」對國小低成就學童閱讀理解與學習態度之影響。研究問題如下:1. 透過電腦多媒體繪本輔助課程,學童閱讀理解力是否提升? 2. 透過電腦多媒體繪本輔助課程,學生學習態度是否改變? 本研究採用質化與量化資料交叉驗證,檢驗學生在「多媒體繪本融入英語補救教學」課程前後之差異。以「閱讀理解測驗卷」為工具,進行T檢定分析。並採用教師觀察日誌、學生檔案、以及師生訪談紀錄,做深入的探討。依教育部「攜手計畫」之規劃,以台中郊區W國小10位五年級英語低成就學童為對象,進行為期12週的「多媒體繪本融入英語補救教學」課程。研究結果顯示此實驗課程對低成就學生閱讀理解有幫助,特別在於故事順序理解,以及文句理解。在單字理解與訊息理解方面成效不明顯。透過實驗課程,學生在英語學習態度方面有改善。 根據實驗研究結果,本研究建議國小英語老師採用多媒體繪本融入補救教學來提升五年級低成就學童的閱讀理解力與學習態度。對於未來的研究,則建議進行更長期的多媒體融入補救教學研究,也建議對學童喜愛的故事文類與主題進行調查。


To develop citizens who possess potentials against severe global competition in the future, English communication, technology ability, and comprehension of literature and humanity turns out to be important “Future Ability”. Searching for an appropriate “Future Ability Course” to help underachievers, the teacher as researcher designed this “Integrate Multimedia Picture Books into English Remedial Instruction” (IMPBERI) course. The purpose of this study is to observe the effects of IMPBERI course on elementary school underachievers’ reading comprehension and learning attitudes. Two research questions are as follows: 1. Can this IMPBERI course increase the underachievers’ English reading comprehension? 2. Can this IMPBERI course increase the underachievers’ English learning attitude? Observing the difference of the same subjects during and after the experiment course, both quantitative and qualitative data were adopted for triangulation in the study. Paired samples t-tests were used to compare the results of Reading Comprehension Assessment. Also, the classroom observation journals, students’ portfolios, and interview transcripts were adopted for in-depth analysis. According to MOE’s After School Alternative (APA) program, the subjects were ten 5th grade underachievers from W elementary school in Taichung rural area. The subjects accepted the IMPBERI course for 12 weeks. Results have shown that the effects of IMPBERI course on elementary school underachievers’ reading comprehension are remarkable, especially on story sequence and sentence comprehension. As for the help of improving vocabulary and information comprehension, the effects were not obvious. Through the experience course, the subjects’ learning attitude turned positive. Based on the findings, it is suggested that elementary school English teachers employ multimedia picture books to facilitate the reading comprehension and learning attitude of 5th grade underachievers. For future studies, integrating multimedia picture books into English remedial instruction should be further investigated for underachievers. Also, surveys about learners’ preference of the story genre and the theme are worth to explore.


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