  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Relative Risks of Cerebrovascular Disease Comorbidity using NHI Database

指導教授 : 林新力


腦血管疾病自1986年起至2009年位居台灣十大死因前三名,亦是WHO所公告之全球十大死因的前5名。本研究的目的為分析罹患腦血管疾病之患者年齡、性別、死亡率、共患疾病之相對風險性,期能提供較完整之腦血管疾病之流行病學資訊。 利用NHI內之健保資料庫採回溯性方式,選定2003年罹患腦血管疾病之患者(ICD-9-CM碼為430~437)共75,053人,追蹤該患者從患病後至2008年止所有就醫資料,用以分析病患年齡、性別、死亡率、共患疾病之相對危險性等,並與亞洲、歐洲、美洲及大洋洲相關文獻作比較及探討。 分析結果顯示罹患出血性腦血管疾病後再罹患癲癇之相對危險性為為非腦血管疾病患者8.35倍(P<0.001);再罹患失智之相對危險性為4.62倍(P<0.001)。 罹患缺血性腦血管疾病後再罹患失智之相對危險性為非腦血管疾病患者7.03倍(P<0.001)、再罹患帕金森之相對危險性5.33倍(P<0.001)、再罹患癲癇之相對危險性則為4.68倍(P<0.001)。 罹患缺血性腦血管疾病之患者較出血性腦血管疾病患者易罹患失智症;而出血性腦血管疾病患者較缺血性腦血管疾病之患者易罹患癲癇。 進一步結果分析顯示罹患出血性腦血管疾病與失智後再罹患帕金森之相對危險性為罹患出血性腦血管疾病但未罹患失智症的4.41倍;缺血性腦血管疾病之相對危險則為3.12倍。 罹患出血性腦血管疾病與帕金森後罹患失智之相對危險性為罹患出血性腦血管疾病但未罹患帕金森的3.50倍;缺血性腦血管疾病之相對危險則為2.47倍。 2003年缺血性腦血管疾病患者是出血性腦血管疾病患者的3.86倍,無論是出血性腦血管疾病或是缺血性腦血管疾病都是以男性患者較易罹病。


Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) has been one of leading causes of death from 1986 to 2009 in Taiwan, as well as in the World Health Organization reports. Therefore the objective of this research aims to exam the mortality and the relative risks of CVD disease comorbidity in retrospective using the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan. A total cohort of 75053 CVD patients in 2003 met the criteria and patients’ age, gender, mortality and relative risks of disease comorbidity were tracked until 2008. The age, gender, and mortality results were compared to similarly published data in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and United States. The relative risk of developing epilepsy for hemorrhagic CVD patients was 8.35 times higher as compared to the non-CVD patients, while relative risk of developing dementia was 4.62 times higher. In contrast, the relative risk for developing dementia in ischemic CVD patients was 7.03 times higher as compared to the non-CVD patients, while relative risk for Parkinson disease was 5.33 times higher, and epilepsy was 4.68 times higher. Further investigation revealed that the relative risk of developing Parkinson disease for hemorrhagic CVD patient already with dementia was 4.41higher as compared to CVD patients without dementia; but the relative risk for ischemic CVD patients was 3.12 times higher in comparison. Similarly the relative risk of developing dementia for hemorrhagic CVD patients already with Parkinson disease was 3.50 times higher; while the relative risk for ischemic CVD patients was 2.47 times higher in comparison. In 2003 the ischemic CVD patients is 3.86 time more than the hemorrhagic CVD patients; and male gender has higher risk of contracting either hemorrhagic or ischemic CVD.


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