  • 學位論文


A Study of Chan Praxis in “The Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Yūan-Wu Fo-Kuo”

指導教授 : 釋果鏡


宋代是公案禪演變成話頭禪的關鍵時期,圜悟克勤在此演變中扮演著重要的角色。過去有關圜悟克勤的研究多著重在《碧巖集》的公案及克勤禪師對公案之評唱,而將其定位為文字禪興起的重要推手之一。然而克勤禪師的禪法真的只是造成禪學衰敗的文字禪嗎?因此本研究將經由《圓悟佛果禪師語錄》之分析與探討,重現克勤禪師之禪法,並以此重新詮釋其在禪學發展史上的貢獻與地位。本論文首先以歷史考證來探討克勤之生平與《語錄》之版本介紹,然後歸納分析《語錄》中僧俗四眾之參禪狀況與克勤禪師之禪法特色。   綜合克勤禪師對僧俗四眾之開示與教法中,可看出禪師對所謂臨濟施設出神入化之運用,特別是靈活地運用公案及其中的語句提持學人,而成為話頭禪盛行的重要推手。另外由語錄之分析研究,亦可看出華嚴思想與淨土信仰,特別是觀音信仰,除此之外亦常引用《楞嚴經》作為指導學人之教材。   歷史上常將克勤禪師定位為文字禪的推手之一,其原因多半來自古今學者、僧人對於《碧嚴集》之批判,而給予這樣的歷史定位。由《語錄》中可從另一個角度看克勤禪師之禪法,例如在《語錄》中常令學人參如何是庭前柏樹子、祖師西來意等語句,用以截斷學人之思量分別,直到情識盡淨,進而起大疑情,進入參公案的階段。這些教學方法都已具有話頭禪之輪廓與精神。因此在克勤禪師教導參公案所累積的方法與經驗,已醞釀足夠的能量令話頭禪大放異彩,經由大慧宗杲之後,話頭禪終於成為漢傳佛教中獨特且創新之修行法門。


The Sung Dynasty is the crucial period of time during which Kung-an Chan evolved into Hua-t’ou Chan. Yuan-wu K’o-ch’in played an important role during this period of time. Previously, a majority of scholarly studies emphasized the Kung-an of “Pi-yen” lu and K’o-ch’in’s commentary of these Kung-an, positioning him as one of the promoters of Wen-tzu Chan (the lettered Chan). Was K’o-ch’in’s praxis merely Wen-tzu Chan causing Chan’s decline? This study will analyze and explore “The Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Yūan-Wu Fo-Kuo”, revealing K’o-ch’in’s praxis, and discuss his place in the history of Chinese Chan. This thesis will use historical based induction to discuss K’o-ch’in’s biography and the edition of “recorded sayings”. It will provide analysis and comparison of the unique praxis found in his sermons and teachings for monks, nuns, and laypersons. In general, K’o-ch’in employed Lin-chi Chan praxis while coaching his disciples, especially Kung-an. In addition, this study finds the evidence of Hua-yen thought , pure land belief and use of the Lankavatara-Sutra as the teaching material in “recorded sayings”. Even though K’o-ch’in was regarded as a promoter of Wen-tzu Chan, this study will reveal another aspect of his Chan praxis. By instructing practitioners to investigate specific phrases of Kung-an in order to cut off their thoughts and discriminations to purify the mind, K’o-ch’in reveals that his instructions have the outline and spiritual mark of Hua-t’ou. Therefore, K’o-ch’in’s instructions on investigating Kung-an accumulated enough experience and energy to make Hua-t’ou popular in the Sung period. Following him, his outstanding disciple Ta-hui Tsung-kao simplified the practice method of Kung-an. Due mainly to their efforts, Hua-t’ou become a unique and innovative practice method in Chinese Buddhism.


高毓婷 (1998)。《圜悟克勤禪學研究》。台北:國立師範大學國文研究所畢業論文。
Hsieh, Ding-hwa E. 1999. “Images of Women in Ch’an Buddhist Literature of Sung Period.” Buddhism in the Sung. Edited by Peter N. Gregory and Daniel A. Getz Jr. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
King, Sallie. 1995. “Awakening Stories of Zen Buddhist Woman.” Buddhism in Practice. Edited by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
一、 藏經(依經號排序)
《中阿含經》。CBETA, T01, no. 26。
