  • 學位論文


Ven. Sheng Yen's Buddhadharma propagation via WeChat in China:A Preliminary Study

指導教授 : 鄧偉仁
共同指導教授 : 張志堯


在移動互聯網(Mobile Internet)發達的今日,傳播訊息的最新模式「新媒體」在佛教弘傳所扮演的角色和重要性,是當代佛教界應該關注的趨勢和學習運用的載體。佛教在新時代的重塑,應藉助此潮流而展現出更好的傳播能力,法鼓山聖嚴師父心靈環保理念非常符合現代中國民眾的需求,在這樣的時勢條件下,如何藉由微信公眾號將此理念推廣至中國是本文研究主題的重要目的。 本研究以む法鼓山聖嚴師父め微信公眾號為研究個案,分成推廣策略與營運內容兩大路徑來探究,先透過文獻探討「微信(WeChat)」這個新媒體的功能與特色,以了解其是如何充分發揮滲透力於日常生活中。再者,從眾多佛教微信公眾號之中整理歸納出目前這個弘法載體的傳播模式,藉此截長補短、去蕪存菁,改善其他公眾號的缺失,學習其優點,做為建置む法鼓山聖嚴師父め微信公眾號的參考依據;另一方面,先設計問卷了解被訪問者的需求,做為內容素材的依據,正式營運後,並統計分析む法鼓山聖嚴師父め微信公眾號營運模式之效益。希望藉此研究為漢傳佛教的弘化演進方式留下歷史脈絡,以提供後人對於前往中國弘法有概括性認識與可行性藍圖,並做為至中國弘法推展的參考資料。 本研究實際建置公眾號後,實驗證實,發現微信這個新媒體平台透過「朋友圈的二次轉發」,達到高度的「轉化率」,傳播速度非常快速。所以善用微信用戶「刷朋友圈看分享」的特性及黏著性,而達到弘法的目地,正是此新媒體的一大特色。新媒體能夠快速弘法,卻也可能因此而使許多人因為接收到不正確的內容而誤解佛法。因此建立一個如む法鼓山聖嚴師父微信公眾號め般內容端正又適應時代需求的弘法公眾號,亦是在避免新媒體弘化的弊病,因為「顯正」就能「破邪」。故使用微信(WeChat)這個載體以推廣聖嚴師父的「心靈環保」,能同時讓弘法工具(微信)及弘化內容(聖嚴師父的心靈環保、生活禪修及法鼓山之理念)兩者在同時發揮出各自的優勢,形成弘化上的加乘效益。 本文研究結果顯示,巧妙應用社會大眾離不開新媒體的習慣而靈活運用新傳媒以弘化,是契機;提供適合現代人心靈的需求,同時又不失原本教義精神的佛教素材,是契理。以此契理契機的工具(微信WeChat)讓受眾建立正確的佛法知見,並實際優化身心生活,可謂藉由新媒體而創造出佛教存在於現代社會的思想意義,與社會價值。


法鼓山 聖嚴師父 弘法 微信 新媒體


Due to the popularity of the Mobile Internet, this communication technology as a new media delivers massive information and has become the most advanced way to propagate the Buddha’s teachings and to learn Buddhism today. Its function and role in propagating Buddhism requires more attention and study. To reintroduce Buddhism to this modern society is the idea of the Environmental Protection of the Mind proposed by Ven. Shengyen in Dharma Drum Mountain, and it corresponds to the needs of people in China so this new communication technology helps to propagate Buddhism in a more efficient way. The main purpose of this paper will emphasize how to conduct the idea of the Environmental Protection of the Mind through WeChat in China. The WeChat account of Ven. ShengYen in Dharma Drum Mountain is the case study in this paper. It includes two categories, the strategies and the content of the propagation. First, we will explore the features and characteristics of Wechat through a research paper, and find out how this new media exerts its influence on everyday life. In addition, we will investigate other Buddhist accounts and summarize their patterns on the operations on WeChat as an important reference in order to learn from their experience as a lesson and improve Ven. Shengyen’s account on WeChat. On the other hand, we made a survey for WeChat users. This survey is designed to help us to understand the needs of the WeChat users and has become a reference material and statistical reference on this account. I wish this evolution of propagating Buddhism in China will be noted in the Buddhist history through this paper, and this study could be helpful as an outline or a blueprint for people who are attempting to propagate Buddhism in China in the future. After establishing Ven. Shengyen’s account on WeChat, this account shows that information is promptly shared among friends at an extremely high rate. A high sharing rate among friends is the major characteristic of WeChat in which WeChat could be used as a convenient messenger in propagating Buddhism. However, this convenient messenger can also release incorrect information as easily and quickly as the correct information, and lead the readers to misunderstandings about Buddhism. Hence, it is important to establish an official account like Ven. Shengyen’s account on WeChat to ensure that correct information based on people’s needs is presented, and to prevent the disadvantages of misunderstanding Buddhism. As Buddhist scriptures say, manifesting correct words can destroy incorrect meanings. Ven. Shengyen’s account on WeChat works as a Buddhist propagating tool presenting the idea of The Environmental Protection of the Mind. This propagating tool like WeChat and Ven. Shengyen’s teachings like the idea of The Environmental Protection of the Mind, the practice of meditation in motion, and the mission of the Dharma Drum Mountain for people’s needs in China increases the ability and the credibility of propagation. Because of the popularity of the new social habits on Mobile Internet, the proper opportunity emerges when new communication technology is cleverly used to propagate Buddhism. To provide for the needs of people in modern society, orthodox Buddhist theories and ideas are presented in an accessible way for learning and practice. This propagation tool, WeChat, presents the orthodox Buddhist theory and idea in the right manner that helps people to understand the right points of Buddhist views and to improve their personal life physically and spiritually. In this manner the social value and ideological meaning of the existence of the Buddhism can be found through the new communication technology in modern society.


「中華電子佛典協會」(Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association, 簡稱 CBETA)之 CEBTA 電子佛典集成。2016年。
《金剛般若波羅蜜經》。T08, no. 235。
《大方廣佛華嚴經》。T09, no. 278。
