  • 學位論文


The life experiences of Sudhana’s pilgrimage and learning from great enlightened masters in Avataṃsaka Sūtra.— A Research base on the Six paramitas and four methods of winning people

指導教授 : 辜琮瑜 教授


本文論述方式,主要說明所要探討論題方向,是依循出世間佛教經典與世間學,依兩者不同思維理路下,相互串連的關係中去探究並檢視與反思、反省。佛陀傳留下來的佛法,從古至今經歷兩千五百多年,通用在現代生活中,透過經典引導,轉化為適合現今社會啟發生命的題材。生命教育不應該只是生理、心理的教育,是需對未來生命課題,如何引導去思考生命、追求有意義、有價值的生命,並契理契機的成為現代人容易取得的資糧之一, 也作為探索心靈密碼而啟動生命醒覺的一把鑰匙,是最好生命教育的教材之一。 論述與探究範圍,藉由善財童子透過參訪、參學善知識的歷程中,將佛陀所大力倡導六度(布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、般若)和四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事攝)落實在生活中。六波羅蜜(六度)、四攝法是大乘佛教,行菩薩道的基本核心思想。不僅是理論性,更是能在日常生活中實踐自利又利他,悲憫眾生的方法。利人的部分,要需契理契機運用善巧方便的方法,讓人能心悅誠服。善用四攝法走入社會,融入人群裡,善巧方便契理機,隨緣度眾,給眾生一線希望之光。 在生活中將普及佛法以淨化人心、淨化社會風氣及習俗,讓大眾接受佛法的薰陶,人人行六度、四攝法,轉化人心及社會,以一已的生命,帶動出無限其他的生命。並將佛法編織入在未來的生命裡,探索生命意義之道並提昇生命價值,期待能讓原本迷茫的生命與佛教經典的連結,讓生命有回歸本心的歸屬感。以學習的心路歷程貫穿生命歷程為主軸,讓生命之流中藉由不斷反思與實踐體驗來幫助我們深化人生觀,以內化價值並追求身心的提昇。


入法界品 善財童子 四攝 六度 生命


First of all, this article straight forwardly explains the direction of the topic to be explored and the key concepts involved. In accordance with the supermundane Buddhist texts and worldly academic studies and according to their different ways of thinking, I did explore and examination and reflecting on a series of interrelationships between them. The Dharma taught by the Buddha 2500 years ago. It still has high value of practice in our life. And in our Modern society, we are also inspired by the guidance of life written in the Buddhist sutra and I am thinking of how to make the suitable for practice. The life education should not be limitedto physical and psychological education. It should also possess the inspiration for research of life issues in our future. It could guide us to think about life in a proper way, it would pursue meaningful and valuable life. It could be helping modern people who can easily grab any information without the skillful expedient teaching. Further, it would be the best of the life education’s text as a key to the exploration of the spiritual code and the enlightenment of life awareness. In this thesis, the scope of discussion and exploration focus on Sudhana’s journey where Sudhana had visited and learned from fifty three great enlightened masters. According to this pilgrimage, I took the most powerful core of Buddha’s teaching which are Six paramitas (1.almsgiving: dāna; 2.keeping the precepts: sīla; 3. forbearance: kshānti; 4.assiduousness: vīrya; 5.meditation: dhyāna ; 6. the obtaining of wisdom: prajnā) and the methods of winning people (1. expounding the Buddha’s teachings and/or giving material things; 2. speaking in a kindly manner; 3. acting to benefit others; 4. sharing others’ hardships and cooperating with them) to implement in our life. A set of six perfections and the methods of winning people are important concepts among Mahayana Buddhism and being introduced in Bodhisattva’s path. I am not just taking a theoretical perspective,as a way to practice for oneself or for the benefit of others in daily life, but also as a method of empathizing all sentient being who are dealing with suffering. As a part of practice for oneself, it needs to use the skillful expedient teaching of Buddha, according to the capabilities of sentient beings in order to make people feel delighted and sincerely willing. It will naturally give all sentient beings the light of hope by using the methods of winning people skillfully, leading all living beings from the world of delusion. Again, the Buddha dharma will be popularized to purify the spirit of people and purify the social trends and customs. It is a set of tool that let the public accept the Buddha dharma. It could lead people to practice Six paramitas and the methods of winning people. In order to transform people's hearts and society from a self-ego’s life to a compassionatelife, the concept of Buddha dharma should be integrated with people in future. This research also provides people to explore the meaning of life and enhancing the value of life. It looks forward to the connection between the beginningless life and Buddhist studies. It makes our life return to a state with satisfaction of essential mind. Taking the journey of research penetrates the process of life as the main axis, it will help us to deepen our outlook on life through internal reflection and practical experience in the flow of life, in order to internalize value and pursue physical and mental improvement.


《華嚴經疏論纂要》。大藏經補編05, no. 2。
《六度集經》。大正藏03, no. 152。
《大方廣佛華嚴經願行觀門骨目》。大正藏36, no. 174。
《大般若波羅蜜多經》。大正藏07, no. 220。
