  • 學位論文


A Study on the 24th Chapter (Investigation of the Truth) of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā based on Tibetan Translation

指導教授 : 廖本聖


肇因於漢譯大藏經未見收錄月稱論師的著作,現行的電子佛典(CBETA)關於應成派中觀思想的著作,僅收錄部分法尊法師所譯的宗喀巴大師作品,此外,月稱的《入中論》也已由法尊法師譯出,而被判為句義釋的《明句論》,現有的漢譯全譯本的用詞與詮釋仍稍顯文言艱澀,因此本文的譯註篇力求以更白話的方式翻譯與詮釋月稱著作的藏譯《中論》注釋書─《明句論》─其中的〈第二十四觀聖諦品〉,譯文中搭配第一世達賴喇嘛dGe 'dun grub pa對《中論》所做的科判,希望能裨益到欲學習應成中觀見的法友們。 本文研究篇初始先解析本品偈頌的主題詮釋,接著從月稱解釋偈頌的角度來釐清偈頌之間的關聯性。於第二章做了二種主題的比對,分別是二位應成派印度祖師的《中論》注釋書的特色比對、及月稱所著的二部《中論》注釋書比對。第三章則探討三個常見語詞stong pa、rang bzhin及dngos po在本品中不同語境下的涵義分析。第四章到第六章則分別探討本品的主題─抉擇正確的空性見,並成立二諦與緣起自性空的概念,從中再深究偈頌中所談到的理解空性三義及二諦區別的必要,最後再探討空性與自性空二者涵攝範圍有何不同。


空性 自性 世俗諦 勝義諦 緣起


Candrakīrti’s writings are not found in the Chinese editions of the Buddhist Tripitaka, and the Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka Theory is almost nowhere to be seen in the CBETA digital version of the Chinese Tripitaka , with the exception of part of Master Tsongkhapa’s scriptures, which were translated by Venerable Fazun. Besides, Candrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatāra was also translated by Venerable Fazun, although his Prasannapadā had already been translated into Chinese, but the currently available Chinese translations are still difficult to read and understand. Given that this is the case, I attempt to describe and translate it from the Prasannapadā XXIV “Investigation of the Truth” in order to make its reading easier and clearer. I have selected the first Dalai Lama dGe 'dun grub pa’s outline of the Mūlamadhyamakakārīkā to use in my translation, and hope that my efforts will benefit those who would like to learn Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka Theory. Concerning the research component of my thesis, at first, I analyze the subject of all the poems of the Prasannapadā XXIV, and then try to clarify the connections between the poems by Candrakīrti’s descriptions. In Chapter Two, I deal with the comparison of two topics, the first part is a comparison of the commentarial style of two Prāsaṅgika masters who have explained the Mūlamadhyamakakārīkā. The second part is a comparison between the Prasannapadā and the Madhyamakāvatāra of Candrakīrti to see if there are any differences or connections between them. In Chapter Three, I try to analyze three terms in the Prasannapadā XXIV, namely, stong pa, rang bzhin and dngos po, and to see if they possess different meanings when they appear in different contexts. In Chapters Four to Six, I try to analyze the topics, which are determining the orthodox concept of Emptiness, and establishing the ideals of the two truths and Dependent Arising, and thereby to investigate the necessity of understanding the three meanings of Emptiness and the difference between the two truths. And finally, to investigate the differences between Emptiness and the Inherent Existence of Emptiness.


《十二門論》CBETA, T30, no. 1568。
《大乘掌珍論》CBETA, T30, no. 1578。
《大般若波羅蜜多經》CBETA, T07, no. 220。
《中論》CBETA, T30, no. 1564。
