  • 學位論文


Religion-Regime Relations in the Seventh to Ninth Centuries Tibet with a Comparison to the Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 釋見弘(劉思妙)


在七世紀贊普松贊干布 (srong btsan sgam po) 執政時期,佛教開始被引進吐蕃國,並且在贊普積極推廣下,佛教得到嶄新的發展。從七至九世紀期間,佛教所得到的發展包括藏文之創立、佛教經典之翻譯、寺院之建設和僧團與僧官之建立,以及僧侶在社會上的地位得到了重視。以上的發展,主要是受到眾多贊普的護持下,佛教才能在吐蕃國扎根。另外,由於佛教勢力也滲透在吐蕃王朝的政權上,並且僧侶也協助贊普鞏固其王權。該時期的吐蕃政教的蓬勃發展,是仰賴於僧侶與贊普之間的良好和緊密關係。自從佛教僧團建立起,僧侶和贊普之間的微妙的關係,一直都影響國家之政策,佛教之發展都帶來微妙的影響。至到九世紀,在贊普墀祖德贊的執政時期,贊普繼續推崇佛教政策,逐漸導致本教大臣的不滿,最後也造成了排佛事件的發生。這時候佛教勢力被打擊,吐蕃也面臨了各種國家動盪的因素,最後導致滅國的命運。在該時期,唐朝也遭遇了排佛事件,從兩國之間的排佛事件比較,筆者發現或許文化背景和文明程度上的區別,正是統治者在實施排佛手段上強烈與否的關鍵因素。本文主要以三個方向進行探討:(一)探討七至九世紀時期贊普對佛教的發展和貢獻;(二)吐蕃佛教贊普與本教之間的互動關係;(三)吐蕃與唐朝統治者對佛教政策的比較。


吐蕃政教 唐朝政教 排佛政策 崇佛 崇本


Buddhism was initially introduced into Tubo Dynasty during the reign of King srong btsan sgam po in the 7th century and taken its root through active propagation of various kings from the 7th to the 9th centuries in the creation of Tibetan language, the translation of Buddhist scriptures, the construction of monasteries. The establishment of Sangha community and Sangha officers, and the enhancement of the Sangha's status in the society. As Buddhist influences infiltrated the regime of the Tubo Dynasty, monks also assisted the kings in the establishment of kingship. The flourishment of Tibetan politics and religion in this period depended on the good and close relationships between monks and kings. This subtle relationship not only had an effect on national policies but also brought insidious impact on the development of Buddhism. By the 9th century, King 'khri gtsug lde btsan'’s continuous support in Buddhist policy had gradually caused the grievance in ministers believing in Bon religion, and eventually led to the suppression on Buddhism. Buddhists were attacked, and Tibet face national turmoil which led to the state collapse. Meanwhile, the Tang Dynasty also encountered the persecution of Buddhism. Comparing the Buddhist persecution in these two countries, this study suggest that differences in cultural background and civilization of the ruler possibly contributed to the severity of persecution. These are three aspects to be considered: (1) the development of Buddhism and the kings’ contributions from the 7th to 9th centuries; (2) the interactions of the Tibetan royal families, Buddhism, and the Bon religion; (3) a comparison of the kings’ policies in Buddhism between the Tubo Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.


一、 原典文獻
(一) 漢譯佛教藏經
CBETA 中華電子佛典協會,2021年線上版。
《入唐求法巡禮行記》,B18, No. 95。
《佛祖統記》,T49, No. 2035。
