  • 學位論文


The Bodhisatta Ideal in The Great Chronicle of Buddhas

指導教授 : 溫宗堃


本論文嘗試通過《大佛史》(Mahā Buddhavaṃsa)的研究來論述上座部佛教的菩薩觀。《大佛史》是一部引用豐富巴利文獻的緬甸文著作;記載從燃燈佛到喬達摩佛,一共二十五佛的生平故事;是一部巨著,一共六卷八冊。 第一卷上册包括講述菩薩和佛陀的觀念和任務,及善慧從一名婆羅門出家成為隱士到修成為菩薩的故事;下册包括講述二十四佛的生平故事。第二卷至第六卷講述與喬達摩佛相關的佛寶、法寶和僧寶的故事。引用大量的巴利經典與注釋書,以故事的形式呈現,有助於讀者了解佛經的脈絡和意義,是《大佛史》在佛教文獻中殊勝的地方。 本論文逐一地扼要介紹《大佛史》每一卷中的每一章,一共介紹五十四章。接著以巴利文獻所呈現的菩薩觀定位為「上座部菩薩觀」;然後,論述《大佛史》中的菩提與菩薩及菩薩任務的關係。整理出菩薩分類總表後,接著論述成為一名菩薩必須具足的因素,及上座部佛教對「菩薩」稱號的嚴格要求。 菩薩必須以修習波羅蜜、捨離與善行來證得他們所意願的菩提。首先論述波羅蜜的由來;然後介紹《大佛史》中有關波羅蜜的注釋,並介紹作者為發願成佛者所撰寫有關波羅蜜的後論。接著論述發願成佛者應該理解的波羅蜜含義;同時也論述菩薩修習十波羅蜜、三十波羅蜜及六波羅蜜的議題,以及上座部佛教的菩薩修行。 《大佛史》中的菩薩觀與一些學者所論述的上座部菩薩觀略有不同。然而,《大佛史》具有緬甸傳統上座部佛教的權威觀點,是研究上座部菩薩觀時值得參考的資料。


This dissertation attempts to discuss the Bodhisatta (Sanskrit: Bodhisattva) ideal of Theravada Buddhism through studying Mahā Buddhavaṃsa (The Great Chronicle of Buddhas), a huge work in Myanmar language citing a wealth of Pali literature, with a total of six volumes and eight books, narrating the life stories of twenty-five Buddhas from Dīpaṅkara Buddha to Gotama Buddha. The first volume part one covers the concepts and duties of Bodhisattas and Buddhas; and the story of Sumedha, from a Brahmin to a hermit and finally becoming a Bodhisatta; the second part covers the life stories of twenty-four Buddhas. Volumes two to six tell the stories of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha in relation to Gotama Buddha. Quoting a large sum of Pali scriptures and commentaries and presenting them in the form of stories, that help readers understand the contexts and meanings of Buddhist scriptures, gives Mahā Buddhavaṃsa a special place in the Buddhist literature. This dissertation briefly introduces each chapter in each volume one by one, altogether fifty-four chapters. Next, it takes that the Bodhisatta ideal presented in the Pali literature as the Theravada Bodhisatta ideal. Then, it discusses the relationship among bodhis (enlightenments), Bodhisattas and the duties of Bodhisattas as presented in Mahā Buddhavaṃsa. A table is compiled to enhance the understanding of Bodhisatta classification. It then proceeds to discuss the factors that must be fulfilled to become a Bodhisatta, and the strict requirement on the title of “Bodhisatta” in Theravada Buddhism. On the issues of pāramīs (perfections) which the Bodhisattas must fulfil in order to attain their respective bodhis, it first discusses the origination of pāramīs. It then introduces the Anudīpanī (Explanations) on pāramīs, and the author’s work on pāramīs for those who aspire to attain Buddhahood. It discusses the meaning of pāramīs that should be understood by aspirants of Buddhahood; also the issue of ten, thirty, and six pāramīs; and the bodhisatta practice in Theravada Buddhism. The Theravada Bodhisatta ideal presented in Mahā Buddhavaṃsa is slightly different from the research in this area. In the very least, Mahā Buddhavaṃsa presents the authoritative views of Theravada Buddhism in the Myanmar tradition, therefore it is a worthy reference for studying the Bodhisatta ideal.


