  • 學位論文


The Perception and Reflection of Body-Mind with Healthily Abstemious Habits in Life Experience

指導教授 : 楊蓓


本研究主題「身心健康飲食觀」串聯兩個核心概念:1.「食物」基本上是人類之外其它物種的生命;2.「飲食」不是「吃東西」,而是將其它物種的生命與我的生命合而為一來完成我的生命體;此種連結是印度瑜珈思想的概念之一。而身心健康飲食的實踐及觀察,是以「調整用餐頻率」與「知覺改變」的相互關係為研究路徑。 本文將個人的生命體驗以「敘事研究法」來闡述「食物與身心」互為主體性存在的動力關係,以每日調整用餐頻率的過程來觀察自我知覺的改變,亦即反思自我「面對食物的態度」與「對空腹和飢餓的認知」。主要架構是從生命歷程的四個面向逐步探究身心健康的飲食觀: 一、在柬埔寨的飢餓、疾病、恐懼之間看到「食物」的存在形式。 二、在實驗室分析人體生理訊號與觀察細胞的過程看到「生命」的存在形式。 三、以宏觀與微觀審視「食物與身心」的關聯性之後的自我實踐。 四、以調整用餐頻率28個月(2019.05-2021.08)的過程覺察自我生命的轉化。 又,過去曾長期閱讀佛教經典與論書,知悉其所詮釋的食物與飲食觀,加上28個月的實際調整用餐頻率,經由「吃的時間、次數、方式、種類、態度、過程、感受」體驗到身心的轉變;在「生理上轉成我的身體」,在「心理上轉化我的生命」產生多種知覺改變。食量方面常警覺到自己隨時處在「需要的不多,想要的太多」的身心考驗之中。 於執行調整用餐頻率的同時也學習瑜珈與靜坐,因此知道如何讓身體與我之間處在「只有觀察沒有控制」的狀態下,凡是與飲食相關的種種現象是自然而然地體察到前後的知覺有所不同。「觀察」是飲食行為上很重要的訓練,覺察自己意識上的改變和發現自己行為上的改變,都是在自然的狀態下進行。 最後結論,藉由食物與實際調整用餐頻率、做瑜珈、靜坐以及重新認知睡眠,此些過程和實踐的結果使我懂得了反思過去與現在,並思考未來的生存價值與生命意義,於是對世間萬物有了不同於過去的觀察路徑與覺受程度。是故,本文以真實的行動看到自己的生命歷程與生活中的許多改變,自覺此種改變是屬於生命品質的提升。經由28個月有毅力的執行熱忱,踏實地呼籲他人亦可嘗試調整飲食頻率,希望每個人探索出適合自己身心健康的飲食觀,進而提升到懂得如何與自己的身體從容而淡定地相處到終老,此乃本文自我生命書寫的最大目的與期待。


調整飲食頻率 空腹 飢餓 瑜珈 知覺改變


The concept of "Body-Mind with Healthy Abstemious Habits is the theme that associates two vital concepts. First, "Food is living itself. Second, it is not just a concept of "foodstuffs" for consumption but it is intimately connected with one's body to maintain the organism. The study of this connection between food and diet comes from a Indian philosophy of yoga. In addition, the interrelation between "adjustment of diet frequency" and "perceptual change" is an efficient method for physical and mental practice within observation. The methodology of this thesis is "narrative research" which illustrates the dynamic interrelationship which subjectively exists between food, body and mind within daily individual experience. Observing the changes in self - perception through the processes of daily adjustment in abstemious frequency will be discussed. In other words, the processes are based on the self-reflection on attitudes towards food, and the cognition of empty stomach and hunger. It will be constructed as the main framework and into four aspects of life courses, exploring the concepts of a physical and healthy diet. First, recognizing the importance of food in a role that exists between human hunger, disease and fear in Cambodia. Second, discovering life as an important role model through analyzing physical signs and observing cells in a biological laboratory. Third, to realize the interrelation between food and body-mind to be aware of how to practice. Fourth, to comprehend the self-life transformation procedure, through a period of 28 months of abstemious frequency. On the other hand, I have been studying Buddhist texts and treatises in which the food and diet had been interpreted. Taking the idea to experience the self-life transforming procedure, and practicing abstemious frequency in diverse ways throughout the period of 28 months, such as in meal frequency, methods, food intake, type of diet, attitude, process, and feeling. In other words, the self-life transforming procedure promotes multiple changes in perception. Not only has the process brought physical transformations within my body, but also psychological transformations within my life. Moreover, by comprehending a quote “Our needs are few; our wants are many", food intake has also been recognized in my life. While adjusting abstemious frequency, yoga or meditation has also been practiced. It’s good practice of naturally experiencing a body-mind state of observation without control. All the phenomena are associated with diet and naturally observing the variety of perception that occurred. Therefore, observation is an important key in diet and attitude because of changes between both mind consciousness and one’s behavior within the natural process. In conclusion, this thesis has explored the interrelation between food and body-mind through practicing abstemious methods in such frequencies to strengthen healthy abstemious habits. Yoga or meditation are essential factors that would be placed within the process. Furthermore, the practical process gives rise to re-recognizing sleep and reflecting what we treasure—the value in one’s own life and thoughts throughout the past, present, future. Therefore, the essay contributes to valuable procedures and the multiple changes that have occurred during my own life by taking positive pragmatic action. These changes result in diverse feelings and observations toward all the creations in the world. Not only do the changes stimulate a more wholesome life, but also strengthen awareness. The methods in following this healthy abstemious process can be altered to be more flexible and adjusted to find one's own ways. The expectation of this thesis hopefully leads to one’s physical and mental health staying positive and to understanding how to get along with one’s own body in life.


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