  • 學位論文


The Budda's caring of life qualityand life conversion for the residents in the long-term care institution

指導教授 : 陳定銘
共同指導教授 : 李冠慧(釋照量)(Guan-Hui Li)


本文以佛法關懷,輔以藝術陪伴活動介入工具運用於長照機構住民,進行探究、考察其生活品質與轉化之成果為論題。佛法相關方面取材;一、以佛咒音聲於課程進行中播放。二、以四攝法及《雜阿含經》法目「無始相應」內容切入,簡易扼要解說「無始生死」相關經文,⸢… 輪迴是無始的,…。」比丘得病時的痛苦及《雜阿含經》卷二十病中修念得緩解病痛身苦,須菩提尊者觀空,病苦終滅的故事。研究者以四攝法的內容:布施、愛語、利行、同事,四重點為方法關懷住民,以此帶出佛法的教學與能夠讓住民薰習佛法,爾後做為修行的基礎及播下與佛的因緣種子為此生及下一個生命歷程所做的目標。藝術創作活動介入則以書法教學為先,後以畫畫,循序漸進式陪伴與教學並依住民經歷的不同,給予適當合用個別指導方式授課,並贈送播經機,住民於課後可聆聽與關注播經機裡的內容故事,一方面讓他們有事做,另一方面藉機挖掘他們有可能未開發的潛能,從這展現出的成果必定能使其從生活中的無趣而變成有信心、有持續力、有成就感、有目標,從而改變觀念,並非過著了無生趣,日復一日在機構無希望等死的日子來臨。 研究者因種種的因緣際會,促成本研究--以佛法的關懷運用於「長照機構」住民生活品質與生命轉化的探究,所謂的佛法療癒與藝術創作活動介入,在過去的文獻資料皆可循及,但所應用皆是單方面,研究者嘗試以兩者融合一起的優勢及效益的倍增,規劃設計活動及技能帶入長照機構,期盼能夠以最短的時間,發揮最快速的效果,研究者也提出觀察、省思與建議事項,以供未來老化快速的台灣,做為研究參考之用。


This article is a topic based on Dharma care, plus art therapy as a tool for the residents of long-caring institutions, to explore the results of the quality of their life and life transformation. The relevant aspects of the Dharma performs, one of which is to play the Dharma song in the course. The second is to use the content of the four ways of Magnetizing-Attraction-Gathering: Generosity, Pleasing Words, Meaningful Conduct and Consistency(catvāri saṃgraha-vastūni ) and the content of :Saṃyukta Āgama with them are easy to explain the relevant verses of "no life and death", ⸢… Reincarnation is no beginning, the pain when Bhikkhu was sick, and the " Saṃyukta Āgama No. 20", the story of the Bodhisattva, praying Budda and remaining peace release the pain from illness. Researcher used the contents of Generosity, Pleasing Words, Meaningful Conduct and Consistency giving, love, profit, concentric, four key methods to care for the people in long-caring institutions, so as to bring out the teaching of Dharma and enable the residents to learn Dharma, then use it as the basis and practice, with which being Buddha's karma seeds as the goal of this life and the next life. Art therapy is based on calligraphy teaching, then painting, companionship and teaching, step-by-step. By the experience of these people, appropriate and individual guidance based on their aptitude are given, then pass broadcaster to resident for listening to and paying attention to the content stories in the broadcaster after class. Make them do something, taking the opportunity to explore their strong and unexploited insight potential, the results from this will surely make their life from being boring to be more confident, sustainable, fulfilling, and purposeful. Thus, the concept of “life is no fun at all, day after day, hopeless in long-caring institution” can be changed. Based on various causes, researcher promotes this study. Dharma's care is used for improving the life quality and life transformation of the resident in "long-caring institution". The so-called healing from Buddha and art therapy can be followed in the past literature while the application is unilateral. Researcher tries to combine the advantages and benefits of both, design activities and skills, bring them into long-caring institution, looking forward to being the possible efficient way in the short period of time to improve life quality of residents in the institution. Researcher also proposes observations, reflections and suggestions for Taiwan's rapid aging society in the future in order to be a reference for handling rapidly multiplied numbers of people diagnosed as dementia.


「中華電子佛典協會」(Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association,簡稱CBETA)的電子佛典系列光碟(2016)。
《中阿含經》。《大正藏》T1,no. 26。
《雜阿含經》。《大正藏》T2, no. 99。
《大般若波羅蜜多經》。T5, no. 220。
