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Body Mass Index, Perceived Body Weight, and Social Physique Anxiety in Female College Students


本研究之主要目的在於探討大專女生身體質量指數與主觀知覺體重之現況以及身體質量指數、主觀知覺體重在社會體型焦慮上的差異。本研究之參與者為239名大台北地區大專女生,平均年齡為20.2±1.38歲,平均身高為160.37±4.94公分,平均體重為51.36±7.31公斤。參與者在填寫同意書後,填寫一份問卷內容包括身高、體重、年齡等基本資料、主觀知覺體重及社會體型焦慮量表。研究結果顯示:(一)身體質量指數顯示,大專女生體重過輕、體重正常及體重過重的百分比分別為55.2%, 38.9%及5.9%。然而,大專女生主觀知覺體重過輕、體重剛好及體重過重的百分比分別為10.5%、41%及48.5%。經由交叉分析得知,體重過輕的大專女生有56.1%主觀認為體重剛好;體重過輕的大專女生有25%主觀認為體重過重;體重正常的大專女生有74.2%主觀認為體重過重。(二)經二因子變異數分析得知,僅主觀知覺體重在社會體型焦慮上有主要效果,經事後比較得知主觀認為體重過重的大專女生其社會體型焦慮顯著高於主觀認為體重剛好及過輕的大專女生。


The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, to investigate the college females’ body mass index (BMI) and perception of body weight. Second, to examine the differences of BMI and perception of body weight on female college students’ social physique anxiety. Two hundred and thirty-nine female college students from Northern Taiwan were recruited as participants. Participants’ average age, height, and body weight were 20.29 ± 1.38 years old, 160.37 ± 4.94cm, and 51.36 ± 7.31 kgs respectively. After receiving the informed consent, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing demographic data, perception of body weight, and social physique anxiety. The results indicated that, first, based on the BMI, college females were categorized as “under weight” (55.2%), “normal” (38.9%), and “over weight” (5.9%). This is composed to the perception of body weight, the percentage of “under weight”, “normal”, and “over weight” were 10.5%, 41.0%, and 48.5% respectively. Furthermore, 56.1% college females perceived their body composition as “normal” although their BMI categorized as “under weight”. 25% college females perceived their body composition as “over weight” although their BMI categorized as “under weight”. 74.2% college females perceived their body composition as “normal” although their BMI categorized as “normal”. Secondly The results of the two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a significant effect of perception of body weight on social physique anxiety. That is, female college students who perceived their body weight as “over weight” reported greater social physique anxiety than those who perceived their body weight as “under weight” and “normal” regardless of their BMI.


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