  • 期刊


A Study on the Social Implications of Symbolic Interactionism and Exchange Theory for Ballroom Dancing Holding Technigues


國際標準舞的動作,必須藉由舞伴兩人之問的握持與互動才得以完成,為了讓整個舞蹈的進行能夠更為協調與順暢,舞伴之問藉由握持動作的連結或引導佔有絕大部分的影響與重要性,在所有的研究文獻中,從未有人將國際標準舞握持這一個重要的動作環節,進行其動作本身義涵相關的探討。本文以社會學中的符號互動論(Symbolic Interactionism)以及交換理論(Exchange theory)為論述的理論基礎,其論點可以反應在國際標準舞握持動作的內涵。在國際標率舞握持動作這一種跟隨與引導的過程中,其實存在著一種很微妙的因素在裡頭,在溝通的過程中,訊息由傳遞者傳遞給接收者,中間經過了符號模式的轉換、編碼,透過適當管道的連結傳遞給接收者,接收者將訊息解碼方能將意思由一方傳至另一方;在國際標準舞的動作中,握持動作正是這一個傳遞與接收訊息的適當管道,也是一個最為頻繁的連結方式。此外,人際互動事實上就是一種交換行為,交換的對象不一定是能夠看得見物品;對國際標準舞的舞伴問握持動作而官,兩人可以因為施力方式的不同、手掌方向的變化…等細微動作的配合,產生兩人間的溝通以及信任,而這兩個因素儼然成了國際標準舞握持動作中社會交換的物品,進而影響舞伴之間的表現。


The movement of Ballroom Dancing depends on the interaction and guidance of holding which is the most important factor to influence the harmony and coordination of the performance of Ballroom Dancing and between dancing partners. It is hard to find any articles discussing the effectiveness of Holding Posture Technigues. In relation to the Symbolic Interactionism and the Exchange Theory, the author finds a guiding and following communication process in Ballroom Dancing Holding. In this communicative process, the dancer transmits messages to the partner by symbol translating and coding, which the receiver then decodes. The Ballroom Dancing Holding is an appropriate method of communication between dancing partners by giving slight gesture through the hands, such as applying different pressures or leading different directions on palms. Because of these kinds of communication, dancers build trust in each other, and further improve their performance.


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