  • 期刊

三種胰島素注射器NovoPen 3,Pen Ultra及傳統式針筒之精密度,準確度及患者接受度比較

Comparison of Precision, Accuracy and Patient Acceptability in Three Insulin-Injector Devices: NovoPen 3, Pen Ultra and Conventional Syinge



一日多次的胰島素注射治療是改善血糖控制的良好方法。然而傳統式的注射器使用上不夠方便,導致患者對於醫師所開出的胰島素處方遵囑性不高。預先充填好胰島素的注射筆可望能改善整個注射過程。本研究的目的是將傳統式注器與兩種最新的胰島素注射筆Novopen 3與PenUltra的精密度,準確度與患者接受度做一比較。 共有五位台北榮民總醫院的糖尿病患者參加這次試驗,他們目前者是接受一天四次的胰島素注射治療,且能以傳統式針筒自行施打胰島素。所有受試者分別先實地操作兩種胰島素注射筆各一天後填寫問卷,來評估患者對三種注射器的接受度。為了比較在低注射劑量下,三種注射器的精密度和準確度,我們使用三支NovoPen 3,三支PenUltra及3支傳統式注射針筒,分別排出2U,5U和10U的短效胰島素藥水各十次。每次測試的胰島素都先注入容器內,然後再立刻以微量天平秤重。 根據問卷調查的結果,多數患者選擇NovoPen 3為他們最喜愛的胰島素注射器;而精密度與準確度的研究發現,傳統式針筒的精密度和準確度比筆型注射器差。 這次的研究顯示,可重複使用的胰島素注射器,不論主觀或客觀上都較佔優勢,而由於筆型注射器使用上較為便利及舒適,改變了患者對胰島素治療的態度,因此患者對自已一天多次注射胰島素的處方可能會有較佳的接受度及遵囑性。


Multiple daily insulin injections offer a means of improving glycemic control, but traditional insulin-injector device is not convenient enough for users to comply with their insulin regimen. Prefilled insulin delivery system is claimed to improve the whole administration process. The purpose of this study is to compare dosing precision, accuracy and patient acceptability between conventional syringe and two new re-usable insulin-injector devices: NovoPen 3 and Pen Ultra. Five diabetic patients receiving insulin therapy four times daily from the Veterans General Hospital –Taipei ere enrolled in a trial to compare the patient acceptability of NovoPen 3 , Pen Ultra and conventional syringe. Acceptability of the three insulin-injector devices was assessed from a questionnaire answered at the end of the two days selfpractice. To determine how precise and accurate small doses of insulin can be delivered using, the three devices, 2 U, 5U and 10U doses of soluble insulin were expelled in random order 10 times from three NovoPen 3, three Pen Ultra and three conventional syringes, respectively. Each dose of insulin was deposited onto a weighing container and was weighed immediately using an analytical balance. According to the result of questionnaire regarding use of Novo Pen 3 , Pen Ultra and conventional syringe, most of patients preferred NovoPen 3 as their insulin-injector device. In precision and accuracy study, conventional syringe has poorer precision and accuracy than re-usable insulin-injector devices statistically. Our study reflects subjective and objective benefits of re-usable insulin-injector devices. Use of pen-injectors may improve individual attitude toward insulin therapy because of convenience and convenience and comfort, therefore might be expected to lead to better acceptance of and compliance with an multiple insulin injection.
