

單形性腺瘤是指所有非「多形性腺瘤」的唾液腺瘤。可分為淋巴腺瘤,嗜酸性腺瘤及其他型。其他型又包括基底細胞腺瘤,小管腺瘤等。單形性腺瘤的發生率低,在所有唾液腺腫瘤病變中相當罕見。本病例發生在耳下腺,為一48歲女性,求診主訴為右耳前方有一腫塊近來突漸增大,大小約為1×2 cm,觸診無痛覺且無固著現象。唾液腺攝影發現腫塊在耳下腺外側方且界限分明。電腦斷層攝影顯示在右咬肌後方有一明顯腫塊。手術切除時發現腫瘤為一完整被膜包圍,經剜除後,病人術後情況良好。病理報告為管狀型的單形性腺瘤。


Monomorphic adenoma indicats all the ”non-pleomorphic adenoma” and is classified, by WHO in 1972, into (1) adenolymphoma (2) oncocytoma (3) other types, which include basal cell adenoma, canalicular type, sebaceous adenoma and so on. This kind of tumor is rare in incidence. Here we present a case of canalicular type of monomorphic adenoma occurring in the parotid gland. Patient, a 48 year-old women, came to our department with the chief complaint of a bulging out mass over right preauricular area for many years. Physical examination revealed a movable mass with 1×2 cm in size, without tenderness. Sialograph showed a normal pattern of the parotid gland and a radiolucent indentation outside the parotid gland. CT scan detected a soft tissue mass posteriorly to right massccteric muscle. After total enucleation, the pathology reported: canalicular type of monomorphic adenoma.
