  • 期刊

Patient Dose from Panoramic Dental X-Ray Exposures with Different Screen/Film Combinations



本研究目的在測示舊型環口放射攝影機經改用新型的稀土類增感屏(rare-earth screen)作放射線攝影對頭頸部若干部位組織輻射劑量的改變,並評估不同kVp/mA/增感屏/軟片組合對影像對比(radiographic contrast)之影響。測量結果發現使用稀土類增感屏需同時調降kVp與mA值,因而減少病患輻射劑量達20%至60%,亦能維持良好影像對比,値得推廣使用。特提供目前仍使用舊型環口放射攝影機器配備非稀土類增感屏的牙醫師參考。




Forty-eight male patients who needed panoramic radiographic examination were randomly divided into 16 groups and were examined with different kVp/mA/intensifying screen/film combinations. The images were evaluated by two oral and maxillofacial radiologists without knowledge of exposure settings. The groups imaged with 80 kVp/10 mA/Kyokko PS-Ⅱ intensifying screen/Kodak X-Omat film and 70 kVp/8 mA/Konica KR intensifying screen/Kodak T-mat G film showed satisfactory radiographic contrast. The absorbed doses of tissue-equivalent phantom at the same settings of these two groups were estimated by the readings from thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) placed on various anatomic sites. Reduction of absorbed doses in the later group ranging from 20% to 60% was detected. The results of this study suggested that it is possible to obtain diagnostically satisfactory radiographs and, at the same time, reduce radiation dose through the use of rare-earth screen/film combination and proper adustment of exposure setting.
