



Above 90% of melanomas arise from skin. The most common sites are trunk and extremities. Mucosal melanoma is relatively rare and less than 2% of all melanomas. Mucosal melanoma can be found in the urinary tract, vagina, colon, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity and the nasal cavity. The mucosal melanoma of head and neck occurred in patients between age 60 and 80. The high incidence occurred in Japanese, Black. Oral melanoma mostly occurred in the upper gingival and the palate. The oral symptoms were usually painless, bleeding and ulceration clinically. One third of the lesion was pigmented. It makes diagnosis become more difficult in initially clinically. The key of early diagnosis is to make the suspicion timely and undergo pathologic biopsy. Surgical excision was mode for the major therapy, or combined with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. We reveal a case of malignant melanoma of upper gingival and report present illness, clinical exam, surgical therapy, treatment and post-operation follow up in particulars.


Mucosal melanoma Diagnosis Surgical excision
