  • 期刊


Analysis of Dental Emergencies at Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2003


目的:分析牙科急診病患特性與牙科急診醫療服務特質,供日後充實急診醫療服務之依據。 研究材料與方法:我們收集2003年1月至2003年12月台北榮民總醫院牙科急診病患之特性與醫療性質,包括性別、年紀、身份、求診原因與時段、診斷、處置方式、是否為初次至本院尋求牙科治療及是否於本院完成或追蹤後續之牙科治療等情況,並以卡方試驗分析病患身份與是否為初次牙科就診、假日與非假日間求診時段差異、病患身份與主診斷、回診情況是否受主診斷或病患就醫身份的影響。 結果:總計300位病患,男性191位,女性109位,平均年齡39.0歲,榮民身份只佔1/5,非榮民者則多為初次尋求本院牙科醫療。一天求診時間主要集中在8時至17時,而一週中則以星期日最多,星期六次之;假日與非假日的求診時段有統計學上的差異。主訴以外傷最多,牙髓性疾病為次,榮民與非榮民間的主診斷有明顯不同並具有統計學意義。而牙科急診處置則以單純藥物治療方式為最多,只有一成病患需住進口腔顎面外科病房,大部份病患需於門診再追蹤或治療,但回診率只有40%。 結論:牙科急診病患的求診型態明顯受到一般牙科診所看診時間、民眾休憩時間與活動的影響,就醫身份分佈與日常門診病患不同,單次的醫院牙科急診醫療並未改變病患的就醫習慣與模式,除了少數病情嚴重或較複雜的病患。




Purpose: This study was to ascertain the prevalence of ER dental cases at Taipei VGH, try to find patterns and nature of the dental emergencies. Patients and Methods: We collected the data and medical records of 300 patients (191 males and 109 females) who received dental emergency service at Taipei-Veterans General Hospital from 2002 to 2003. Several parameters were investigated including the sociodemographics (gender, age, race, status), logistic (time of day, day of week, month of emergency visit), nature of dental emergency (diagnosis, type of treatment) and analyzed by chi-square test. Results: Average patient age was 39.0 years. About 1/5 of the patients were veterans. Most of these patients had first dental visit at our hospital. The time of day was mostly from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, day of week was Sunday; the difference between holiday and non-holiday was with significance. The most of chief complaints were trauma and then followed by endodontic diseases. The main management of dental emergency was medication, only 10% of the patients needed admission to Oro-maxillofacial surgery ward. Conclusions: The characteristics of dental emergency were influenced by the office time of local dental clinics, the free time and activity of people. The medical identity of dental emergency was different from that at the OPD. In most of these patients, the accidence of the dental emergency did not change their dental habit to hospital-visiting.


Dental emergency


